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choicebutts OP t1_ja2wudx wrote

Consider working up a separate post for the Saves Act and the other bill if you have the time. I'd like to know more about it and I'm sure that some of the folks who follow this sort of thing are looking for good information on how to help.

I have nothing but respect for 911 operators. A thankless job.

Do they ever get to learn the outcome of medical calls touch them or does that end up being private info?


epiphunny t1_ja7jluj wrote

Thanks for the suggestion.

>Do they ever get to learn the outcome of medical calls touch them or does that end up being private info?

In certain situations. My son may have to testify in a trial, so he's able to follow that case. Another time, he got a Life Saver Award because he gave CPR instructions that resuscitated the individual in time for them to get to the hospital and live through their ordeal.