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Stitchmond t1_j9y7h15 wrote

Decided yesterday to take a job offer up in New Hampshire so I guess I'll be busy packing stuff up and getting the house sale-ready for the next couple of weeks. I'm not looking forward to moving but I am excited to live up there.

Super sad to leave the life I built and the friends I made here, I'm a little old to have to do it all again.


jeb_hoge t1_j9y8awq wrote

Congratulations on the new job! I've got friends who live in New Hampshire and they love it there.


Stitchmond t1_j9y9ipv wrote

Thanks, I've spent summers there my whole life, I love it.


goosey65 t1_j9y9shd wrote

Just think of all the “should I love to RVA 🤔” posts you will no longer have to see!

Best of luck with the move! As someone who has moved a lot in the past decade, moving can suck but is also a nice way to hit refresh and throw out stuff you don’t need anymore.


Stitchmond t1_j9ya0ql wrote

/r/nashua is full of those posts.


Charlesinrichmond t1_j9yn4f8 wrote

given it's been a commuter suburb of Boston for 40 years, that's actually a bit shocking


Stitchmond t1_j9yocks wrote

I don't get that at all. The people I'll be working with all live one or two towns over, they have a 45-60 minute commute. As a guy who's never had a drive to work longer than a quarter of an hour, I'm definitely not down with that. People sell their time for cheaper digs, doesn't make any sense. I'm gonna run out of time before I run out of money, that hour before and after work is priceless to me.


Charlesinrichmond t1_j9ys5bs wrote

I agree with you but a lot don't. And there used to be a huge tax advantage to being right over the border there


User-NetOfInter t1_j9yxjb7 wrote

45-60 minutes?!

Maybe at 5am on a Saturday with no construction


Stitchmond t1_j9z1lf6 wrote

I'm not talking about the commute to and from Boston, I'm talking about places like Merrimack, Hudson, Newton etc to Nashua.


coldblackmaple t1_j9y8pzf wrote

Awesome! Where in NH? Are you gonna change your username? 🤔


Stitchmond t1_j9y9f69 wrote

Nashua area. I gotta find a town that ends with -mond. Or begins with Stitch.


BlueXTC t1_j9yh34t wrote

Buy as many sets of long johns you can find while they are on sale down here. You are going to need them. Like when someone asks why certain laws exist in Virginia and the answer is always explained as it's a Commonwealth. The mantra for New Hampshire to explain it is Live Free or Die. I worked for a company out of Manchester and had to spend a couple of weeks up there training during the pandemic. It was interesting to say the least.


Stitchmond t1_j9yiiaw wrote

What does living free or dying have to do with long johns?


BlueXTC t1_j9yj8g7 wrote

Long Johns so you don't die. 😆


Charlesinrichmond t1_j9yo5dd wrote

I'm a bit confused by that myself, but NH winter and long underwear do go hand in hand.


Stitchmond t1_j9yol08 wrote

I guess I'll just literally freeze my balls off because I'm not a fan of wearing two pairs of pants at a time.


Charlesinrichmond t1_j9ys2n4 wrote

if you get thin underwear by smartwool, or the other technical stuff it's surprisingly ok. Not ideal, I fled New England for a reason, but ok


ifweweresharks t1_j9z4rbv wrote

I got some silk long underwear from LL Bean many years ago. Very lightweight but do an excellent job of keeping you warm.


Ms-Pamplemousse t1_j9yl1a6 wrote

Beware black fly season 🙀


Charlesinrichmond t1_j9yo87x wrote

ugg. Is it bad in NH? Never was really there in mud season. Maine, oh my god, that was amazingly bad.


Ms-Pamplemousse t1_j9yrocd wrote

Horrible. We were on the coast of Maine after hiking in NH, and it was much better thanks to the breeze.


Charlesinrichmond t1_j9yrxyg wrote

for me it was a pond in Maine where my aunt had a camp. Beautiful, but unbearable.


jodyhighrola t1_j9yf8pl wrote

NH looks like a nice place to be. Geographically it’s in a good spot, kind of like here. Closer to Maine and Canada which is neat. Winter is the big difference.


Charlesinrichmond t1_j9yo16y wrote

NH is perhaps shockingly cold in the winter. Makes Buffalo look Balmy. Mt Washington regularly has the worst winter in the lower 48, they had a -104 degree windchill this winter.


Ms-Pamplemousse t1_j9zhbg2 wrote

I mean, I wouldn't use Mount Washington as the data point. It's just a fun stat because of the geographical influence on weather.


Charlesinrichmond t1_j9znljq wrote


But NH weather in winter and mud season does suck. And Nashua is on the warm side of the state, and it's 18 and snowing there right now. Hanover is 13 with a low of -1. And that feels so much colder in NE for some reason


Charlesinrichmond t1_j9yn12w wrote

Good luck. ManchVegas? Manchester Airport used to be pretty nice to fly out of, worth the drive up from Boston


ChuckBS t1_j9ypgkb wrote

Congrats on the job, I hope the move goes well. Without your help my partner and I would have never gotten to add the longest of long boys to our little fuzzy family.