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Something_Etc t1_jb3ehdr wrote

I’ve always considered VCU chipotle the best in Richmond


bkemp1984Part2 t1_jb4wr7z wrote

Holy shit, -40 by saying which Chipotle you like best? People might be taking their franchise preferences a bit too seriously....


Gwala_BKK t1_jb6845n wrote

Because the vcu chipotle is an absolute joke. They’re by far the worst in the city


bkemp1984Part2 t1_jb6clhb wrote

I'm not disagreeing with personal knowledge myself. I've eaten there but I've always thought Chipotle was bland and overrated since I first had it maybe around 2012. I'm just surprised and a bit amused that a simple statement about liking a location of a chain is getting downvoted similarly to when people say pretty vile or hateful things and get downvoted for it.


Gwala_BKK t1_jb7lfn0 wrote

People like Chipot so when someone says the worst place in the city is the best there’s a negative reaction. Pretty straightforward


bkemp1984Part2 t1_jb7tidz wrote

Yeah, like I get the concept it's just also still surprising or a bit crazy to think about in context. It's not that straightforward that "I like this location of this chain" gets the same amount of downvotes as when people use racial slurs. I've known for a long time that people take Chipotle seriously enough to tear families apart and cause civil wars.


Heavy_Ratio818 t1_jb3fqwy wrote

Carytown is way better than VCU.


megachickabutt t1_jb3g47p wrote

Comparing Chipotles is like saying this pile of shit smells a little better than that pile of shit.


kneel_yung t1_jb3o3q2 wrote

Nobody who smelled this pile of shit would like it


justblahetoday t1_jb3ie7g wrote

It has ok days and bad days. VCU Chipotle is its own unique level of suck. Carytown Chipotle is like a shitty ex boyfriend that tricks you into thinking they’re not shitty but they’ll always find a way to let you down.