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fluufhead t1_jdv79wr wrote

Cancelled a credit card due to fraud and within about 12 hours of getting a new account number another damn California door dash order popped up as an authorized charge.

These scammers knew my new CC # before I did wtf


Madselaine t1_jdvgjpa wrote

Agh I’m sorry! I remember reading about how sometimes if you give a company your credit card information for a recurring charge (like a monthly bill or subscription) and the card number changes, the company can get the updated number through your financial institution.

Just looked it up and I think it’s called Updater Services. No idea if something similar could’ve happened here, especially since it happened within 12 hours.

Good luck, I hope you get it sorted out!


fluufhead t1_jdwp5n1 wrote

Thank you. For all their faults, Wells Fargo has pretty good customer service for their credit card users. I'm going to do some googling but the update thing is definitely a possibility


Ms-Pamplemousse t1_jdxpc0i wrote

I think it's probably because these charges cost them money in the long run. If it was your money, they probably wouldn't care as much.