Submitted by popeboyQ t3_123iy88 in rva

What's on the agenda today? Anything fun? Or is it just back to work?

I'm working this morning, might try to catch a movie (at home) afterwards. Any flick blow your mind recently?



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gribisi t1_jduv7ta wrote

First real job interview in 20 years +- (I'm almost 50 currently employed but looking for something new) a bit nervous. Previous job interviews were just kind of "required" as I moved up the ladder. I'm hoping to change my final career path...

Edit: video/teams interview, which I think could be worse than in person, but at least the job is wfh not the 6 day a week food management position I currently have.


The8thHammer t1_jdv26em wrote

Getting out of the food industry is the single biggest thing you can do for your life and health. You got this!


gribisi t1_jdv2vwp wrote

Thanks, I know. I've been in it since I was 15, with a short break at 46.
Fortunately for me, I have tons of management experience(budgeting, HR, MS/Google Docs, leadership, and all that), so I'm hopeful that will help sell myself. It will initially be a pay cut, but longer-term salary should balance out.

I'll let you know!


The8thHammer t1_jdv3og0 wrote

Management experience in a team focused environment with constant deadlines and adaptability is how I sold myself to employers when I got out. This was me describing a kitchen. There are lots of parallels to almost every other industry, sometimes it just takes explaining that to people who don't know everything involved in food logistics, restaurants, production etc. I was nervous as hell at first but quickly realized almost every other job that exists was less stressful and a breeze compared to the status quo I had accepted previously.


gribisi t1_jdv4ano wrote

Yea, so much more to food service management than people think. They see chef/chef manager/food service director, and they think oh he can cook. Great, what does that do for our company.. you try to explain the different sides of it, and some/most get stuck on the chef word.

I'm looking forward to if I do get this job to having my weekends back. most of the time.


gribisi t1_jdwhmp9 wrote

It went well I think.. find out next weekish.. Thanks all again..


AfroChemist53 t1_jdv1fgu wrote

Saw three of the brand new pedestrian crossing signs already hit and knocked over and missing on Cary, so you know looks like the same result as last time with these things


BabyBat07 t1_jdw4xp0 wrote

I think there’s new ones on Brookland Park, let’s see how long it takes for the daily updates to start again.


TehKimmeh t1_jdus4g7 wrote

Exhausted Monday back to work after Galaxy con all weekend!! Great times.


popeboyQ OP t1_jdus8r7 wrote

I was just reading about the Nightmare Weekend that they just announced. As a big horror fan, I'm stoked!


Shaunisdone t1_jdus6dy wrote

Last week of work before spring break! Everything everywhere all at once is awesome. Get that free showtime trial and watch it.


popeboyQ OP t1_jdusb9n wrote

I never thought I'd be crying at 2 rocks with googly eyes.


molluskich t1_jduuxqs wrote

Boaty still has a low fever and she can't go to preschool until she's been fever-free for 24 hours. I have my first therapy appointment in five weeks today, when she's supposed to be at preschool. I guess she's getting some rare tablet time today. I don't know what else to do, I keep having to reschedule therapy for logistical reasons and I need my time to vent!


PercyDovetonsils t1_jdvalvo wrote

You can't take care of others if you don't take care of yourself. Hope you feel better after your therapy today.


okk_kaleidoscope t1_jdw3urk wrote

Good for you! Don’t feel bad about that, take care of yourself first :)


DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_jdv4o8m wrote

Back to work.

Remote work is wearing on me. The idea of spending the rest of my career on zoom calls just depresses me.

On the other hand when I search for software engineering jobs in Richmond I'm not very excited by what I find. (Go ahead and call me too picky; the fact is our tech industry is simply not as developed as other markets)


lifegavemelemons t1_jdvcgbh wrote

I share your sentiment - while my employer is in Richmond my team over the years has been backfilled with people all over the place, so while I have an office to go to there isn’t a reason at all to go in. Maybe I’ll get reorg’d into a team that is colocated, but aside from CarMax and Koalifi I don’t know of any in person opportunities around here.


WeetWoo97 t1_jdvba97 wrote

If it’s any help at all, there’s a coworking space in Church Hill that’s offering a free week of trial at their space on Jefferson Ave. Check it out! Co-Flow RVA


DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_jdvbjh8 wrote

Thank you. I'm a member at another co-working space, and I agree that it helps some to get out of the house. I hadn't heard of co-flow...


WeetWoo97 t1_jdvbqkr wrote

Opened within the last year. Not the worst pricing plan I’ve ever seen, but then again, I’m working on a student budget. Might be worth checking out, even just for the change of scenery. Admittedly, I’ve never been so I’m not sure just how great it is (space, sound, etc), but I have yet to hear anything explicitly bad about it!


DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_jdvbzx8 wrote

I think it's cool that they offer discounts for those who pledge to walk or bike.


raindeerpie t1_jdvuj9i wrote

how would they enforce that?


DustySleeve t1_jdvx9hm wrote

on average, people dont like to lie. its an incentive numbers game with negligible impact to bottom line if they do it right. if budgeted like a kroger rewards card, profit accounts for every discount, even if you put in a fake phone number so theyre not tracking your spending profile associated with your collated id. moot point, no need to enforce, but the answer is passively and with shame most likely


nRust t1_jdwdlnf wrote

Yeah there’s capital one and that’s about it isn’t it? I guess Truist? Can’t even think of any others, and with Capital ones’ tech layoffs recently I can’t imagine they’re too appealing


ThisIsForReal t1_je1nfv5 wrote

Hmmm I'm a software dev and when I'm in the office 90 percent of my meetings are on zoom now, no matter that I'm in office or not, so not sure I see this getting much better if video conferencing is the problem.


DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_je22quh wrote

Sure, but sometimes you get to talk to at least some of your coworkers in person, right?

Maybe it's just because I'm new to this company, but it's driving me a little crazy that everyone is just a 2D image...


ThisIsForReal t1_je24sel wrote

I mean sure I probably talk to the other devs in person like 10 minutes a day but our meetings? Still on zoom. Seeing end users in person? Maybe once every 6ish months when we have a project completion luncheon.


raindeerpie t1_jdvufim wrote

so glad my office never went remote. customer visits are finally getting back to normal too.


ChuckBS t1_jduu6e0 wrote

Man, I’m feeling old. It’s work, the stop at Costco for stuff we needs.then home to make dinner. Feeling old.

I can’t recall a “Mind Blowing Movie” of late, but I think the best horror movie I’ve seen in a while was Nope


njbrews t1_jduynrj wrote

All Quiet On The Western Front on Netflix if you haven’t already. Deserved every Oscar it got and then some.


popeboyQ OP t1_jduyrz1 wrote

I'm not usually into war movies, but I agree, it was astounding.


No-Step3370 t1_jdv6pbk wrote

Worked OT all weekend, so exhausted and no days off til Sunday. Just gotta keep pushing…


momthom427 t1_jduwkti wrote

I got in late last night after a long stop and go drive down 95 after a day in DC. I wish I had another hour or two of sleep before I head off to work. On another note, I think I have bursitis in my hip so I need to find an urgent care clinic today to get a cortisone shot. Good times.


fluufhead t1_jdv63r8 wrote

My wife got diagnosed with this the other week. Really hope it gets nipped in the bud with some PT and weight training of some sort


crankybitch2022 t1_jdvd5lx wrote

I had a total hip replacement 12 years ago which was fucking amazing, only to develop burstis about 7-8 years ago. Cant win🤣


momthom427 t1_jdvkf9v wrote

I’m really hoping it doesn’t get to that point.


GrayRVA t1_jduxqu4 wrote

Started Waco last night and I am astounded by idiocy. Did they think the feds were just going to go away? Ask anyone in prison how well their sovereign citizen argument worked against the IRS.


popeboyQ OP t1_jdv2wl0 wrote

The Branch Davidians weren't the most rational folks either. Honestly I'm somewhat surprised we haven't seen more "Waco's" since the uprising of the Trumpsters.


Horror-Fisherman-575 t1_jduzgbm wrote

Tàr. I had to read several critical reviews before I fully understood what the big deal was, but all in all it was quite a gripping character study.


juwanna-blomie t1_jduyztb wrote

Mind blowing movies I’ve seen lately:

Supervixens- exploitation 70s film, off the wall crazy, lots of nudity and over the top scenes not to mention the last 20-30 min of this movie are batshit crazy. I wouldn’t call this a great movie in any way, but it IS unlike just about any movie I’ve ever seen.

Bay of Blood- a lot of the kills in this one inspired the Friday the 13th kills, specifically the spear through the bed kill. Once again, the ending to this one made me say out loud, “what the fuck?!”.

Infinity Pool- David Cronenberg’s son Brandon directed this, starts off seeming like some weird version of White Lotus and quickly turns into something far more cynical and sinister. Mia Goth is absolutely amazing in this movie (see Pearl for more awesome Goth) and it gave me chills. The idea is pretty crazy and gets pretty cerebral.

Edit: adding Cruising to this list. Directed by William Friedkin (The Exorcist) starring Al Pacino as a homocide detective who goes undercover in the queer community to catch a a killer targeting gay men.


popeboyQ OP t1_jduz76i wrote

Oh nice! I've got to check out Infinity Pool, I've been a big fan of his dad's for ages and Possessor was awesome.


fluufhead t1_jdv79wr wrote

Cancelled a credit card due to fraud and within about 12 hours of getting a new account number another damn California door dash order popped up as an authorized charge.

These scammers knew my new CC # before I did wtf


Madselaine t1_jdvgjpa wrote

Agh I’m sorry! I remember reading about how sometimes if you give a company your credit card information for a recurring charge (like a monthly bill or subscription) and the card number changes, the company can get the updated number through your financial institution.

Just looked it up and I think it’s called Updater Services. No idea if something similar could’ve happened here, especially since it happened within 12 hours.

Good luck, I hope you get it sorted out!


fluufhead t1_jdwp5n1 wrote

Thank you. For all their faults, Wells Fargo has pretty good customer service for their credit card users. I'm going to do some googling but the update thing is definitely a possibility


Ms-Pamplemousse t1_jdxpc0i wrote

I think it's probably because these charges cost them money in the long run. If it was your money, they probably wouldn't care as much.


stickynohte t1_jdvmrxr wrote

Back at work, but I’m off tomorrow for my late father’s birthday (I get too sad throughout the day).

I’ve been slowly getting back into running after having to take roughly 8 months off due to health issues but this gloomy day means I’ll likely opt for the gym this evening instead.


MissSagitarius t1_jdv2ppz wrote

I don't know how teachers do it, but some of these kids just try your patience. There's this one kid who thinks its okay to threaten teachers; even told one he was gonna fight them. This is elementary school btw.


Arcangelathanos t1_jdv7ma4 wrote

I saw the early access Dungeons and Dragons movie last Sunday and I really enjoyed it! It was an overall fun movie with lots of nods to the game, but nothing that would alienate someone who was unfamiliar. For example, one character used a flaming green sword. I thought it looked cool. Afterwards, I found out that it's "a thing" in the game.

Gotta take OG cat for his pre-op workup this afternoon. That should be fun. He's a good car rider and patient at the vet, but omg getting him in the carrier is an ordeal.


drdeeznuts420 t1_jdvbhq1 wrote

Worked the Irish Festival this weekend, felt like it was fighting off the Others on The Wall. Gotta go back to work today. Such is life.


buttonsnbones t1_jdve712 wrote

Can we all just go back to bed and restart today? Particularly all of the animals? All of my animals at home are losing their shit today. One dog is currently on her way to the urgent care vet because she ate an entire can of raw biscuits!!! The baby duckling I’m taking care of is in a bad spot because the heater turned off over night. Luckily he’s warming up and perking back up. And then the adult duck I’m caring for was COVERED in shit just now. Like YALL….. get it together!

Edit: but our other dog is being a total sweetie and is babysitting the baby duck and is visibly worried. It’s way too cute


phlipsidejdp t1_jdvltnt wrote

I work for Chesterfield schools and today is a half day for the students. The rest of the day is dedicated to getting third grading period grades in the book. So a mostly quiet day.


popeboyQ OP t1_jdvw0u5 wrote

Which half? I hate dealing with kids coming into my job.


phlipsidejdp t1_jdvyvo3 wrote

They're here from about 10 till noon, then it gets very quiet here, lol.


popeboyQ OP t1_jdwd6ie wrote

Two hours is a half day? Shiiiit, I wish work was like that.


phlipsidejdp t1_jdwlj8y wrote

Oh, I've been here since 8 and will be here till 3:15 or later. I work at a Tech Center, so the students start their day at thier home school for about an hour, then bus here.


foxcat505 t1_jdv3p8l wrote

Work from home then a massage at Skin. Getting my official retainer and ending my Invisalign treatment (started June 2020 - Gardner Ortho, highly recommend). Taking a class at Rowhouse and deciding if I’ll sign up . My back , legs and abs are sore from the 2 classes I took earlier this week so I’ll prob commit to the cheapest membership.


popsrcr t1_jdv5gqx wrote

I've been a rowhouse member for a year and a half I think. Hit my million meters the other month. Its a good workout for me.


foxcat505 t1_jdvacx8 wrote

That’s awesome ! Congrats 👏 I am prob going to sign up for once a week. It’s a really nice gym and everyone has been very welcoming.


popsrcr t1_jdvas6e wrote

If you're fan, I assume Willow Lawn? Honestly one of the few men, but, it works for me. They are encouraging and its competitive as a group, I guess. You aren't pitted one against the other. Willow Lawn use to be far busier than Short Pump, but I don't know anymore, runs in spells. I'm on unlimited and go 3-4 times a week. Its expensive, so I'm compelled to go! Good luck!


foxcat505 t1_jdvmac6 wrote

Yes willow lawn - yeah it’s not technically competitive but I do feel myself rowing harder to beat the time at the top of the screen! I’m probably going to sign up for once a week. Luckily my work has a discount program which makes it more manageable . I think it will be good to have a structured exercise day - even if it’s just once a week. Checking out the 7pm class tonight & I’ve heard the instructors floor work is next level . I think the classes also go by pretty quickly which is important for me.


raindeerpie t1_jdvv9nr wrote

what does the pricing look like? I've been interested in doing once or twice a week. plus it's low impact on the knees and a good ab work too.


popsrcr t1_jdvwgki wrote

Honestly I don't know. I'm (obviously) on the unlimited plan. Like most gyms, there is always some special going on. I'm like 99/month, which was some special rate.

ITs free to try, and I didn't find them high pressure at all.


fourovertwo t1_jdx1eua wrote

Invisalign was one of the best things I have done for myself in my adult life. Worth every dollar. Congrats on the end of your treatment!


foxcat505 t1_je0a8br wrote

Thank you!! My retainer hurts but that’s supposed to subside in a few days . I am now doing the 3 months of 16 hrs and then will hopefully be night time only. I also made the investment as an adult and am so happy with the results .


PhoenixAshies t1_jdv6fu7 wrote

Remote work with some light housework sprinkled in throughout the day. Need to take an inventory of what's in the freezer and the pantry to start making the dinner meal plan for April.

I need to go pick up my Rx but The Pollening has begun...our parking lot is a subtle shade of yellowish-green.


NoRecommendation8634 t1_jdvbcta wrote

Back to work after a weekend in Nova. Took an edible to quell the Sunday scaries, but hungover now and craving a Philly whiz wit for breakfast 🤷🏻‍♀️

If you don’t mind subtitles, I enjoyed The Innocents, a Norwegian horror/thriller.


MKrushelnisky t1_jdvdkg8 wrote

The Thai cave rescue documentary - holy shit that story is so wild


throwawayrva83 t1_jdvf6dz wrote

Saw John Wick 4 over the weekend. Not mind blowing but I enjoyed the shit out of it.


maddmoxxiie t1_jdw1abk wrote

Applied to be a vendor at the carytown artisan market. I haven’t ever done a market. Used to sell on Etsy until I decided that Etsy is run by satan himself.

Money has been really tight with all of my surgeries in the last few years. I really hope I get accepted. I’m nervous.


popeboyQ OP t1_jdwd01k wrote

Good luck! Whatcha selling?


maddmoxxiie t1_jdwdoir wrote

Thank you!

Jewelry, mostly. I have so much back-stock, I’m so excited to get out there


ImNotHere1919 t1_jdv9l94 wrote

Headed to the grocery store on our way to Spotsy. Going to visit my grandparents and cook them dinner and help out around the house. Grandma's cancer just went into remission (kinda) and Pop is a 2x purple heart vet.


fluufhead t1_jdvb3c9 wrote

Without my alarm at 745 I would have slept so late today. No sun + quiet neighborhood.


Sandblaster1988 t1_jdvtx06 wrote

It’s not mind blowing, but I think Nicolas Cage gave a great performance in Pig. Definitely a movie meditating on grief.


WeetWoo97 t1_jdvbg2l wrote

Week 3 of new big adult job (while I’m finishing my masters). WFH while I do laundry and catch up on my Sunday reset—cleaning.


thesj180herself t1_jdvc2y5 wrote

The Menu is incredible - cannot recommend it enough.

Back to work this week, trying to not freak myself out with paranoia that I’ve contracted Covid after Saturday at galaxycon. Holy moly, that was a rough day.


ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_jdvkcu9 wrote

Everyone likes different things when it comes to movies, but I would say that I much preferred the 2015 The Invitation over the menu if dinner events gone awry is a preferred plot line. I just didnt enjoy the menu at all.


thesj180herself t1_jdvt81y wrote

I can totally see that! To me, The Invitation felt a little campy and maybe more shocking, but that could just be due to me having not watched it in awhile.


SwitchToDecaf t1_jdvessx wrote

Same old, back to the grind.

I rewatched Superbad for the first time in probably 10 years over the weekend and it holds up.


stickynohte t1_jdvjy1b wrote

I got an underage drinking citation while this played in the background when I was 18. Goooood times.


WoodwickVonRazzle t1_jdvgw8j wrote

Question for some of you engineering students: are old microwaves dangerous so long as all functionality is still there?

I have an old JCPenny microwave from the 80s with a large capacity that I just can’t convince myself to replace. She’s a beautiful machine that only needs smacked due to rattles every few weeks. They don’t make things like this anymore


foccee t1_jdvrgpe wrote

The thing to be aware of is the capacitor, which stores electrical charge even after you unplug it. Depending on a number of factors this charge can stay present for days after unplugging your microwave.

Research how to manually discharge the capacitor of your model microwave (if it's even possible with your older model) and do this as soon as you're able to, and then do it again for good measure before you start your work in earnest.

It's electricity and it can hurt you, know the risks, etc. etc.


WoodwickVonRazzle t1_jdw00uh wrote

Appreciate it I had no idea it would keep charge for so long, cool stuff!

However it isn’t broken quite yet I was just making sure that after so many years it was still safe. Didn’t know if older ones leaked more electromagnetic radiation than todays models.


foccee t1_jdw0uws wrote

Oh! I thought you were asking because you were looking to open it up and repair the rattle.

Old microwaves are generally as safe as new ones. Check the seal around the door as well as the front glass for damage, where radiation could leak through. If you want to be super sure and have some change to spare, you should be able to find a "microwave detector" or "microwave leak detector kit" to use.


Anxious_Article_6790 t1_jdvtlxm wrote

My great aunt passed away today from frontal lobe dementia- my mother called me this morning while I was at my office and I proceeded to called me grandmother to tell her I am so sorry for the loss of her sister…. No one had told her yet and I was the one to break the news to her.

My boss came to my office and told me to take the day and relax. Was not expecting that so I’m home in my pajamas.


Reasonable-Newt-8102 t1_jdw02td wrote

Work meeting and band practice! Nervous about the work meeting because a bunch of sht is going down but my coworkers are all in solidarity so that’s chill


BabyBat07 t1_jdw4hds wrote

SO MUCH POLLEN. I just went out on my lunch break and the rain had made it settle into the cracks of the sidewalks. So gross!


navpilotfav t1_jdwjs18 wrote

Norovirus ripped through the house over the weekend, so everyone's home today to recharge. Bummed that I missed the Irish Festival.


lofiemmyxx t1_jdxe3p8 wrote

Currently writing cover letters for internships after work while trying to catch up on some assignments. I’ve been wanting to watch All Quiet on the Western Front but haven’t gotten around to it.


Ms-Pamplemousse t1_jdxq908 wrote

'blown' is probably too strong a word but the Banshees of Inisherin was quite good and thought- provoking.

Not a movie, but the series Normal People was a good watch as well. I found it evocative, and Paul Mescal was great as was Daisy Edgar-Jones.


BureauOfBureaucrats t1_jdvkqxg wrote

We’ve got a lot more road closures today. As per usual, the City of Richmond is doing an “excellent” job of directing traffic and informing the public of its plans.