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mybeamishb0y t1_isqal8f wrote

Did everybody hear kilofoxtrot's racial dog whistle? Consider the demographics of Sussex prison.

Also love the "don't blame guns" rhetoric. You an oath keeper, kilo?


kilofoxtrotfour t1_isqhc42 wrote

I never said "don't blame guns", they're just a whole lot more convenient for killing people. There's a reason why it takes 30 minutes to check-in and out of a prison, we need to verify nothing we bring in can be made into a weapon. When I was working on the telecom system in Building 3, an inmate killed a K9 and stabbed a guard with a shank -- so I stand by the claim that guns are not solely the problem. Sorry, I sent in my membership application for Oathkeepers & the Klux Klux Klan another with some Trump-worship stickers.. But, they all rejected my applications for being in an interracial marriage. So, ha... Sorry, not everyone who disagrees with you is a racist, we just disagree.