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rvafun100 t1_its9st7 wrote

Greystar might as well be called Death Star. Go to just about any city on the East Coast and you’ll see their ugly 5 over 1s


chairmanbrando t1_itshtcm wrote

Five-over-ones were supposed to keep housing options affordable...


goodsam2 t1_itsqoz0 wrote

They are putting up a lot of housing especially in more urban areas but we are talking about a 40 supply shortfall of housing especially as millennials are a relatively large cohort age into place.


jwillsrva t1_itujplp wrote

I’m not familiar with this term- what’s a 5 over 1?


thorlord16 t1_itum5a9 wrote

It refers to wood frame construction over a concrete slab. Basically, any of the new trendy apartments in any city across the nation being put up are 5 over 1s.


jwillsrva t1_ituojvy wrote

Gotcha, thanks. I'll have to look into why it's called that.


thorlord16 t1_itupraj wrote

It comes from building codes; Type 'V' construction refers to structures framed with combustible timber, Type 'I' is a non-combustible podium or slab. Wiki


mediumjuju t1_ituoztm wrote

Believe it’s five stories of wood construction over one level of concrete.


The_GOATest1 t1_itujy30 wrote

Really we should remove them and put SFHs there with more character because that would surely reduce housing costs


rvafun100 t1_itv4l19 wrote

Or limit the amount of units a corporation can own to prevent oligopolies from colluding on price.


plummbob t1_itywcrd wrote

Or legalize more apartments so the market is larger and prevent oligopolies all together.


rvafun100 t1_itzw2lo wrote

Talk a walk around some time, apartments are not illegal…going up all over town


plummbob t1_itzyar1 wrote

they are illegal in the vast vast majority of developable area

of course, so are townhomes, duplexs, 4plexes, village cottages, dorm style housing, etc... ya know, the missing middle.