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kilofoxtrotfour t1_iu6qxir wrote

It’s comical to believe there is an actionable claim for emotional distress. But, to your point - there may be a very real negligence claim if movers went into a perfectly kept home and threw out valuables within the lease period(if it was paid up). If the OP has $10,000 to front, it may be worthwhile, but the landlord typically has more legal standing than an heir. There are 3 version of the truth. OP’s version, landlord’s version, and the truth.


Derigiberble t1_iu6tx22 wrote

The estate would have the best claim, no?


kilofoxtrotfour t1_iu78rjd wrote

Who knows? We don't know enough facts. Did the landlord make a reasonable attempt to notify an emergency contact? Law enforcement is generally tasked with notifying next of kin, how long did the family wait? Was the tenant in default at or after the time of death? I think most people can agree it's "a dick move" to throw possessions in the garbage, but the landlord has plenty of defensive moves here. This is why the law is interesting -- there are so many gray areas with emotion getting in the way.