
Derigiberble OP t1_jef16vq wrote

Definitely! If they do eat some and you notice it um... hanging out... just trim it close with a pair of scissors and pay attention to see if your pet is acting off in any way and you need to call a vet.

Never pull anything string-like out of either end of an animal or human since that can cause very nasty internal injury. This is more of a problem with cats because their tongues make it very hard for them not to swallow a string-like object if they get it in their mouth.


Derigiberble OP t1_jef0ex5 wrote

Yeah a lot of those lists of toxic plants suck because they don't really distinguish between "turns the litterbox into a superfund site when ingested in large quantities" and "deadly to be around".

If your cat isn't one to monch on random plants you can keep a pretty large variety of flowers and plants.

My favorite go-to safe flower is zinnias. Sunflowers are nice but drop a lot of pollen.


Derigiberble t1_jdomlc8 wrote

The trick on Craigslist is to list it for some amount, even if you'd be willing to give it away. That weeds out all the opportunistic people who don't really want a <whatever> and are only messaging because they want free shit.

There's also a funny phenomenon where if you list something for way too much it will sell faster and easier than if you priced it low. If you price low people will assume something is wrong with it, price it high and give a sizable price cut during negotiation and they think they got a fantastic deal.


Derigiberble t1_j6pjl6q wrote

Tip for dating a door and outside upgrades: Google maps includes historical street view data, and Google Earth on the desktop (not your phone or tablet!) allows you to do the same with satellite photos.

I was able to date the age of the roof in the place we are buying to a few-month window because the new roof was present in a Google Earth satellite photo but was not present in a street view pass a few months earlier. Also was able to date a bunch of outdoor upgrades and landscaping because a satellite capture happened to show the crews installing them.


Derigiberble t1_iu6nyjl wrote

I'm not so sure about this being a good candidate for small claims. Small claims is limited to $5k but if they cleared out some high quality furniture then damages are likely easily in the five figures and if there was any jewelry it might hit six figures. A lawyer would also be able to advise about potential emotional distress damages since having a bunch of family heirlooms destroyed right after losing your (grand)parent is a hell of a thing.


Derigiberble t1_iu6bilk wrote

I know inventory is a bit sparse right now, but how much of that do you think is due to a market shift vs regular seasonality or the insane market earlier in the year pulling sales forward?

I'd also be interested in your informed guess about whether or not spring will bring the usual uptick in listings. My wife and I are getting our ducks in a row to buy and it would be nice to have a bit more selection (and some more competing listings to make sellers more willing to negotiate).