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ZephyrInfernum t1_iu43cer wrote

Reply to comment by ChuckBS in Fridaily by donteatmydog

I've always wanted to do some offshore and New Zealand sounds great!

The only reason I don't fish the James is because I'd like to eat what I catch. Idk about eating anything from this part of the James.


ChuckBS t1_iu44gjd wrote

I get that. I do catch and release mainly. The James is fun to fish if you're not worried about eating your catch.


redditpossible t1_iu451ul wrote

What freshwater fish from this region would you be interested in eating? I was raised to think that all freshwater fish isn’t worth cleaning.


ZephyrInfernum t1_iu4btd5 wrote

Freshwater trout and catfish are okay enough. Honestly, I just like fish/seafood. It's all good to eat if you know how to cook it right.