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ztheday t1_itnnj4l wrote

I was curious about this. A buddy who knows more than I do told me he didn't think most of this stuff should have been even checked.


upearlyRVA t1_itnqmiz wrote

Sounds like recommended stuff. Simply say " no thanks just the inspection" and be on your way.


mc4_life t1_itpgbbv wrote

> Sounds like recommended stuff. Simply say " no thanks just the inspection" and be on your way.

ding ding ding.


55V35lM t1_ito15ul wrote

I had this happen previously - need to directly ask what service is required to pass inspection as most of these are not. Repair shops lose money on padding inspections (the time it takes is worth more than the inspection fee) so they have a motive to tack on extra items (headlight ‘adjustments’, $75 wiper blades, or just about everything which is what you ended up with).