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Something_Etc t1_itill2b wrote

Caliente on Park Ave. You have been warned.

Edit: looks like it’s called Shepard street tavern now.


bigdawgwhatup t1_itiwitf wrote

Hasn’t been Caliente in a really long time. Pretty sure they were on Man vs. Food or one of those shows though.


RVA_GitR t1_itixcqb wrote

Yup, was man vs food. Also, as of about a year or so ago they had stopped offering them because it typically makes people snot/other fluids which was obviously less than ideal during a pandemic. Might be worth making a quick call before heading there.


Davidm241 t1_ittg1px wrote

My wife and I ordered the wings. Had to sign a waiver. We honestly think the wings had moved out of the “challenge” space into the “physical damage” space. People 3 tables over had watery eyes. Maybe people could complete the challenge, but we didn’t even attempt. To be classified as a challenge there has to be some possibility of success. We just didn’t see it.


ExtremeHobo t1_itl8zlw wrote

Adam Richmond was pissed off too because they use capsaicin extract.


twelvesteprevenge t1_itm11w4 wrote

Maybe also bc the owner said (on national tv) he has never changed out the wing sauce, just added to it. Gross.


LucidOneironaut t1_itsj99a wrote

Buddy of mine ended up waking out of there after eating one. We found him rolling around on someone’s front porch down the street moaning and sweating. Got home and sat in the shower with cold water on crying and chugging pepto.