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Normal-Location t1_iy3k8ig wrote

very tempted to put in my two weeks notice at my current job.. i’m scared to because i don’t have anything lined up for after but it’s so bad on my mental health


puppyciao t1_iy3lihm wrote

If you can, do it. Leaving a job I hated was the best thing I’ve ever done for myself.


Normal-Location t1_iy3t6mb wrote

i really want to, i believe that it would make me feel so much better. but right now i have to choose between financial stability and my mental well-being.. it’s a shitty situation to be in


RVAWTFBBQ t1_iy4asba wrote

>i really want to, i believe that it would make me feel so much better. but right now i have to choose between financial stability and my mental well-being.. it’s a shitty situation to be in

Was in the same boat a little over a year ago, left a terrible job at a toxic work environment (employer's name rhymed with BloStar) with nothing lined up. It took me 4 months of searching, but I'm now infinitely happier, have much greater flexibility, better pay, more engagement, yadda yadda. Not everyone can afford to go without a paycheck for 4 months, so YMMV. If I had to do it over, I would have put more effort into jobhunting while at my previous employer, but I just didn't have the emotional energy.