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McFlare92 t1_iy82vpc wrote

Day 5 of illness. Was hoping to get back to work today but I can't in all good conscience sit at my desk and hack and choke around my coworkers


cleverocks t1_iy83nbi wrote

Same, RSV hit the last family member yesterday.


McFlare92 t1_iy83pnp wrote

My covid test was negative and the symptoms don't quite line up with flu so I'm thinking that's what I have, but not 100% sure obviously


NedDasty t1_iy85koy wrote

Same. I'm on day 6 and it's fucking miserable. Coughing up a storm nonstop. Parents are supposed to visit on Thursday and we have a bunch of tickets to shoes and restaurant restaurant reservations so it just all around sucks. COVID test was negative.


McFlare92 t1_iy85q9m wrote

Yeah I keep cycling between feeling like I'm recovering and then right back to feeling like death. I've taken so much cold medicine and pain relief its crazy


Stitchmond t1_iy87zpa wrote

Well at least you're staying active by cycling and not driving between the two.


PercyDovetonsils t1_iy92tx5 wrote

Are you sure you're not u/cleverocks?


Stitchmond t1_iy9dsq9 wrote

My puns occur naturally as the conversations progress; they're rare, wild, organic, foraged. Their puns, though strong, are artificial, manufactured, like a cut diamond; set up and knocked down in a single comment.

The pun market is strong enough to sustain us both and many others, but our products should not be considered similar.


foodlion t1_iy8ecs2 wrote

l wonder if we have the same thing? I'm on day 6. Fever, headache, body ache turned into a horrible hacking cough and raw throat. Not covid or flu!


never_graduating t1_iy8f8w3 wrote

Strep is always an option too! I was surprised how high my kiddo’s fever went with strep. RSV is super rough and there’s some sickness that’s not Covid, RSV, or strep that has MEGA congestion—like a cold on steroids. I hope y’all feel better soon.


breakup_letter t1_iya9tw3 wrote

I have this! The person I got it from was tested for the flu, rsv and Covid and they’re all negative. It’s just a really bad cold that turns into bronchitis. It hurts to cough.


McFlare92 t1_iy8o9c3 wrote

Sounds similar if not the same. There seem to be multiple viruses going around right now


FalseSystem6055 t1_iy8qp8n wrote

As someone in same situation it is more than likely the flu. I haven’t felt this sick in years. Fever, cough, congestion. PSA for those who haven’t gotten the flu shot yet it’s not too late.


McFlare92 t1_iy8qvkx wrote

Could definitely be the flu. I agree with you about the flu shots. When people say "oh it's just the flu" they're really downplaying how severe influenza can be


molluskich t1_iyabn9x wrote

I was finally diagnosed with a double ear infection and potentially pneumonia today. I got some antibiotics. So I got that going for me.


McFlare92 t1_iybfmxz wrote

I seem to be recovering but with a cough that flares up with even the slightest exertion. I really hope it doesn't linger for weeks as I'd like to life weights again