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MissLauraCroft t1_iy6zpzm wrote

Is there much Republicans could do, though? That district usually votes 60%+ Democrat. Asking seriously, I just moved here 2 years ago and still getting to know local politics.


goodsam2 t1_iy71j35 wrote

I've heard it's the most solidly democratic seat in Virginia...


Charlesinrichmond t1_iy86cuz wrote

there is no chance a republican wins this one


ubiquitous_delight t1_iy8cc41 wrote

Good, one fewer election I need to pay attention to/participate in


Danger-Moose t1_iy8ddkx wrote

I mean, you should still vote - but the race is probably going to be in whatever primary process they have if they decide to primary. IDK the process.


Charlesinrichmond t1_iy8g8sa wrote

you get some weirdness, like the firehouse caucus bit. But it would be really rich and heavy handed to not have a primary for this.

But I think it's up to the democrats to decide


jacksonwarg t1_iy7cm0p wrote

Not likely- I hear people say that democrats are less likely to turn out for special elections, but I don't think there is much merit to it. If that is an effect, I don't think it would be a large enough effect to matter here. But obviously everyone should go vote again.


raindeerpie t1_iy87zt4 wrote

now is the chance to strike. hopefully they put up a a good candidate. it would be nice to have two good ones to choose from for once.
