
MissLauraCroft t1_j9yc3ho wrote

I also failed to sleep in. My kids decided to play some 7am video games, which led to yelling and controller-throwing. We had a chat about respecting our toys, especially the ones Mommy spent a ton of money on, and how to control “gamer rage”. I’m a gamer but never got the rage, so… any advice is welcome, please!!

We’re going to have a big Saturday morning family breakfast, then kids’ basketball, church tomorrow. Otherwise I plan on relaxing as much as I can.


MissLauraCroft t1_j9ew8zp wrote

I grew up here, moved to a gorgeous tropical location for 15 years, and moved back. The things I appreciate most:

  • The trees. It’s so beautiful living in a forest and I never realized it until I came back.
  • Summer nights with the grassy smell and the chirping symphony.
  • Drivers are (usually) so kind and chill in central VA.
  • You get all 4 seasons very distinctly, but the winters are still mild and like somebody else commented, the relatively small number and size of natural disasters.

MissLauraCroft t1_j6d1665 wrote

I do marketing for resort chains, so I travel several times a year to Mexican and Caribbean travel destinations. Sometimes it’s super fun and it’s like a vacation, sometimes I have to work the whole time and don’t get to even see the beach or dip a toe into the pool. This is one of the not-fun trips.

It’s a pretty great job, though, ngl.


MissLauraCroft t1_j6cwd9m wrote

I’m skipping church today to have a lazy day. Gonna make some blueberry muffins for me and the kids, do laundry, hate-watch Gilmore Girls, and start pre-packing for a work trip to the DR.


MissLauraCroft t1_j5taz2e wrote

I live in a very, very similar apartment complex (different part of town) and I love it. Maintenance and the office staff are all very responsive, helpful, fast, and friendly. The grounds and amenities are well-maintained at all times. It’s great.

My only dislikes are how much they’ve been increasing my rent year over year, I wish they’d clean the stairwells more often, and the high turnover of neighbors (maybe this is part of apartment living?)


MissLauraCroft t1_j2dswoj wrote

We’re visiting family in Mexico. Today I’m going shopping at an outdoor mall with some friends in the area, and tonight we’re going to an aunt’s house for a midnight dinner of steaks or something. Maybe some piñatas for the kids.


MissLauraCroft t1_j1qehnk wrote

I’m homesick today. My 2 little kids and I are in the middle of a 3-week holiday trip so they can see their dad. We’re staying the whole time at my ex-in-laws’ house. I’m fortunate we all get along so well and they’re very hospitable, but I hate staying in other people’s houses and I miss my apartment, my plants, my boyfriend, my bed, my schedule, my car, my privacy, etc etc. It’s been a nice Christmas, but I’m dying to get home to Richmond.


MissLauraCroft t1_ixywsdb wrote

Every year we drive through that one street in Walton Park (Midlothian) where almost all the houses have tacky lights. Just went last night! It’s nice with kids bc you don’t even have to get out of the car. Also the Tacky Lights Tour in general.

Lewis Ginter is nice to go to every few years. It’s time for me to go again because last time several years ago we forgot snacks and my kid had a meltdown and we had to leave early. Don’t have kids.

This isn’t cool or insider at all, but I love walking around Short Pump mall around Christmas.


MissLauraCroft t1_ixuyz17 wrote

I have the fun but challenging task of running errands with 2 small children today. But we get to buy some cool stuff! Books for an Angel Tree gift donation, shoes for my 4-year-old, some clothes, and groceries. Pray for me.

Until then, we’re lounging around the house watching cartoons while eating leftover banana bread. It’s a nice day.