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rattylight t1_ixd24n9 wrote

I'm sorry. That's terrible and life does indeed suck sometimes. But with that said, I'm proud of you for having the courage and emotional boundaries to separate yourself from this person if their presence is not good for your mental health. Hopefully they understand if you were to communicate to them why you can't be around them for a while, and perhaps if/when the dust has settled, you can reconvene your friendship.


progressiveinva69 t1_ixd4q7i wrote

We shall see. It's really painful now. I know time and distance will help. Maybe not cutting off entirely. But the days of deep talks and hanging out 1 on 1 may be over for a bit. I love her too much to want to make her dating journey uncomfortable.


progressiveinva69 t1_ixd4wph wrote

Whether that is a romantic love or a deep platonic friendship love, is a cause of much mental confusion. Seems like a little column A and a little column B. Hoping Column B outweighs the other with time and distance.