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SecureCap6661 t1_j0t5gfg wrote

Just like... Take this warning. DO NOT RENT HISTORIC HOUSES IN RICHMOND. The reason? They are drafty as all hell, your bills in the winter will be astronomical and you will still be cold. Me and some friends rented a few, and every time, our electric bill was almost as high as the rent in the winter. Rent in an apartment or a newer home for reasonable utilities.


electricsunrise19 OP t1_j0tfzso wrote

Good to know. Thank you for the heads up.


SecureCap6661 t1_j0thp9c wrote

Anytime! Historic is just code for poorly insulated shithole I don't have to spend money to upgrade. 🤣


[deleted] t1_j0vaeut wrote



electricsunrise19 OP t1_j0vakrv wrote

That's a crazy amount for an electric bill.


[deleted] t1_j0vj9q1 wrote



electricsunrise19 OP t1_j0vknbg wrote

50 dollars for electric sounds fantastic. 100 isn't bad at all. I pay 100 typically in my current place but the heat is paid through the landlord since it's a connected house (duplex).