
SecureCap6661 t1_jeat3tk wrote

Country Style Donuts on Williamsburg road makes better donuts and they have better hours. Oh, and they won't sexually harass their employees and high school students, unlike the chode that owns Sugar Shack.

Treat Shoppe on Jahnke rd ALSO better donuts, AND food, and they serve ice cream and fun county fair foods and snacks. Bonus - it's Black Owned. And again, haven't heard of anyone there spitting in the food or sexually harassing people. Oh, and they hire the otherwise abled.

Two very fine donut shops that support the local economy without supporting a pedo -minded sexist pig and spit in food.


SecureCap6661 t1_j0t5gfg wrote

Just like... Take this warning. DO NOT RENT HISTORIC HOUSES IN RICHMOND. The reason? They are drafty as all hell, your bills in the winter will be astronomical and you will still be cold. Me and some friends rented a few, and every time, our electric bill was almost as high as the rent in the winter. Rent in an apartment or a newer home for reasonable utilities.


SecureCap6661 t1_ixnxqw8 wrote

Yeah, it's kind of a thing if you actually live IN the city proper. I lived here in the city when getting mugged was a normal occurrence. So, I'm kinda defensive about that boundary line, don't tell me you live in the city when you live in a cozy suburb away from the bus line, hobos, crackheads and hookers. 🤣


SecureCap6661 t1_ixnqgz3 wrote

I love the city. Been here since 1999. I hated my stints in the counties. Only time my cars were ever broken into was the counties. Apparently when there aren't as many chances of witnesses they'll break in. Keeping it locked is enough in the city though. 😂


SecureCap6661 t1_ixno6j4 wrote

Surrounding areas aren't Richmond though. And really, I wouldn't trust the James for at least 70 miles upstream of RVA, and truth be told... I don't really trust water this far south, period. Too much industry north of us to be dumping god knows what in the rivers leading to us. Dominion dumps coal ash roughly 60 miles upstream of the city. It might look clean a half hour up... But it isn't. Richmond boasts way more restaurants that aren't plastic (chains) than the surrounding counties. And we have the best traffic conditions of any metropolitan city in the country. That said... I have swam in the James, and immediately took a shower when I got home. Just don't drink the water 😂


SecureCap6661 t1_ixmnhw1 wrote

Not 'feel like ' ARE. We ARE being priced out of our neighborhoods by investment firms gentrification flips to begin with, and then cake on the DC socialites getting to remote work so they can schlep it down here, overpay for whatever home they wanted and still be saving themselves money compared to the DC market, while widening that income inequality gap here.