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RVAGOD t1_j2bs4q7 wrote

Buffalo is a rust belt city experiencing a renaissance,.There are run down areas like and city but the majority is on the upswing, it's exciting to see the change over the last decade or two. Like any other city there are artsy areas, Buffalo has a real independent creative style. The city has a solid theatre district for plays/musicals as well as music as well as multiple outdoor venues when the weather is right. Housing market is affordable, that's obviously depending on where you are moving from but you should not have too much of an issue finding something. Not an expert on the job market and I bet it depends on what industry you are in. O yeah beer is everywhere tons of breweries and festivals, Bills, Sabres, our food is also a prideful point in Buffalo. We have a chill creative vibe with a bit of a wild side, come for a visit, I'm sure you will fall in love with the place.