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Danger-Moose t1_j06ggog wrote

If you'd like to speak with the mods you can message us via modmail. In this case, the users posts were in the spam filter because they created a new account to post.


modest_mckenzie t1_j06h8qb wrote

I have an 8 year old account i used to post a lost dog that they deleted so ifdk


Danger-Moose t1_j06hf0p wrote


You have no karma in RVA. It goes to the spam filter. We try to catch them, but again... If you want to message the moderators there is an easy way to do so.


modest_mckenzie t1_j0917eo wrote

Thank you for clarifying. The next time I post to the community with something I think is helpful I'll be sure to clear it with mods.


Danger-Moose t1_j093y14 wrote

Don't bother.


modest_mckenzie t1_j09e5zp wrote

I wasn't being sarcastic.

You stated that because I don't have karma in the RVA subreddit that I will be auto removed from posting. This means I have to seek mod approval.

Your above comment implies that I will not be able to post anything now. Is that correct?


PlanktonOk4972 t1_j06hite wrote

There was a link up this morning that now says "Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/rva**" -** seem different than spam filter?
