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10000Didgeridoos t1_j64hzbw wrote

Kobe is a rapist. Deal with it. Accept it. Just because he was great at basketball and inspired people to play basketball doesn't change the fact that he raped a woman in a hotel room.

"Moral police" is like people getting mad that someone littered one time.

He on the other hand violently choked and raped a woman.

What part of that do you mindless Kobe stans not understand? Why do you support turning a rapist into an idol because he died early in a helicopter crash?

Should we build the Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Cosby Center for Women next?

Same shit. You cannot handle that your favorite basketball player committed a violent felony. It's your problem, not ours.


progressiveinva69 t1_j64pye7 wrote

Like for real. Are we taking crazy pills? Kobe and Bill Cosby are one in the same.