Aporkalypse_Sow t1_j85f2sz wrote
Reply to comment by Xoor in Large study provides evidence that goal incongruence can harm romantic relationship satisfaction by glum-platimium
My cousin and the mother of hopefully his only child with her have a relationship like this. She's a psycho that dreams of the things she sees on social media. She's also completely useless and lazy. Her only life skills up to this point have been providing sex to whomever pays the rent on her dad's rental house, drinking, and smoking more weed than the average oompa loompa.
bandyplaysreallife t1_j865cma wrote
A life with no real challenges will do that to someone. Boredom gets filled with drugs, realistic goals get swapped with delusions. It really does the person no favors in the long run and it's a shame that people have enabled her for so long. People only get really out of touch like that when they can afford to be.
Responsible-Laugh590 t1_j860nry wrote
Hey prostitution is a valuable job and somebodies gotta do it!
Aporkalypse_Sow t1_j8677dh wrote
Sure. But you aren't supposed to live with the clients.
Responsible-Laugh590 t1_j868n91 wrote
Ehhh it’s all the same at the end of the day
[deleted] t1_j86qf3g wrote
JuanDuartec t1_j876sdp wrote
I support your comment about been a Job. At the end prostitution is a exchange of money for a service and should be respected and supported ( have right) like any other job. Even more for the safety of the worker.
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