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i_cum_while_pooping t1_j8a3lcm wrote

It doesn't work like that necessary. I'm a big prog rock/metal fan and I usually have no idea if the song is good in the first minute. Sometimes it immediately clicks that "hey this sounds interesting, let's keep going" and other times it's just "okay meh boring... when is this getting interestin... ahh okay OKAY I see what they're doing, interestin!" And sometimes it's just "okay interesting song, didn't feel it much" but then after a few more listens I start to get the feel of it and it becomes a favorite.


ChrysMYO t1_j8azmjw wrote

I also get this feeling when hearing a song as a single and then hearing it within an album. Sometimes the mildly bland single is the best intro to a nice B side on the album. Once you get used to the album, the mild single feels like a really good appetizer.