chrisdh79 OP t1_j939abg wrote
From the article: People with and without anxiety disorders learn to fear a threat equally quickly, according to new research. However, people with anxiety disorders tend to have a harder time learning to stop being afraid on a physiological level (when the threat is gone) compared to healthy individuals. These trends can be detected by monitoring fear-potentiated startle responses.
The study was published in the International Journal of Psychophysiology.
Learning to recognize threats is a capacity that is of extreme importance for survival. However, problems in these processes, such as situations when an individual easily learns to associate certain stimuli with danger but fails to extinguish this association once the stimuli in question are not longer associated with danger, have long been linked to the development and maintenance of pathological anxiety.
Some theorists have linked the fact that anxiety symptoms start developing in late childhood and early adolescence with variations in the maturation of neural circuitry supporting threat learning. This is often explored experimentally by using the so-called differential threat conditioning study plans.
[deleted] t1_j93r910 wrote
[deleted] t1_j93wfyk wrote
tamaoiah t1_j93ym20 wrote
To a layman's ears, this sounds conspicuously like a PTSD response. How common is it that trauma survivors are diagnosed with anxiety disorders?
Alternatively, what share of those diagnosed with anxiety have suffered past trauma?
[deleted] t1_j93ymko wrote
QueenRooibos t1_j9404w4 wrote
The body keeps the score.
[deleted] t1_j942hdu wrote
[deleted] t1_j942irj wrote
[deleted] t1_j945jlu wrote
[deleted] t1_j947x55 wrote
an0maly33 t1_j94f46g wrote
Growing up and through my 30’s I never had an issue with anxiety or depression. Dealing with a divorce and subsequent issues with my kids had traumatized me to the point where I need meds to function. Without them I feel like I’m on the verge of a panic attack (which I didn’t even know what that really was until a few years ago.) I hate to diminish the significance of what PTSD is but I really feel like I have what I would call PTSD.
UniqueLoginID t1_j94lyqs wrote
> How common is it that trauma survivors are diagnosed with anxiety disorders?
[deleted] t1_j94o5e0 wrote
Phoenixapartment t1_j94o6y7 wrote
I have put off reading that book for too long
[deleted] t1_j94ow32 wrote
it could also be a downside of better memory
LiamTheHuman t1_j94powh wrote
Personally I think the relationship is backwards to what you are implying. It's not that trauma causes anxiety disorders it's that people with anxiety problems are more likely to develop PTSD when exposed to trauma.
Lots of people experience traumatic experiences without developing PTSD so it seems like a result of some underlying pre-existing problem.
revnobody t1_j94q1oi wrote
I never had a problem with anxiety prior to being in an accident that involved burns and skin graphs. However, I haven’t been able to snap out of the cycle since (11+ yrs). Diagnosed with PTSD
tamaoiah t1_j94qsdy wrote
I would love to read some studies that support this hypothesis specifically. Can you point me towards any?
subdep t1_j94rhat wrote
This makes me wonder if my wife has an anxiety disorder. She acknowledges she has lots of anxiety, but if she sees something scary on TV she can’t let it go unless the show is turned off and even then it takes her a good 20 minutes to settle down. She thinks I’m just “desensitized” to violence on TV, which may be true, but she seems to be trying to rationalize her irrational lingering anxiety after the threat is just a show and is off.
keepingitfr3sh t1_j94ts6c wrote
No one could ever make a diagnosis unless they are a psychologist or psychiatrist. If her anxiety affects her daily life, then she should consider seeing a psychologist. Also just because someone has anxiety. It doesn’t mean that they have an anxiety disorder. We’re humans and it’s our natural fight or flight response. One common treatment that is effective is cognitive behavioural therapy, there are lots of books.
DinoDonkeyDoodle t1_j94u8gj wrote
You likely do. Ive worked in the legal field around divorce, partner and child abuse, neglect, abandonment, and a whole host of much, much worse things. Also had my own traumatic af divorce. Wanna know the weird thing? I see the same kinda of trauma responses coming out of bad divorces as I have cases where say, massive trigger warning btw, >!a kid was deliberately tortured.!<
Be gentle with yourself and take it slow. Believe it or not, there can be an after to the after that destroyed your before.
militaryintelligence t1_j94w8ub wrote
Could have told you that years ago
Shreddedlikechedda t1_j94x5yq wrote
I’ve had bad anxiety most of my life, had a lot of regular emotional trauma/neglect + some other things growing up. Then I got roped into an extremely abusive relationship with an actual sociopath for two years. I feel like I “should” have developed PTSD from it, but afaik I don’t meet the criteria for it, but I do for trauma. Granted, it’s been 10 years since I went through that and I did quite a bit of self-therapeutic MDMA over the years, and I only got the PTSD test last year
Tamagotchi_Stripper t1_j94yp9b wrote
Hmm that’s interesting. I have an anxiety disorder and I will get caught in a worst case scenario loop in my mind about something. After I work myself through it and everything turns out fine, I will have lingering anxiety even the next day. I’ll just wake up feeling anxious even though the thing causing my intense anxiety had already passed. My body just hangs on to that stress and treats that as its baseline and it’s awful.
AloneDay8829 t1_j94yrws wrote
CPTSD is the worst
It will never go away and I've accepted it
orange_fudge t1_j9502lx wrote
The science doesn’t support that view.
We are still learning about the relationship between trauma and PTSD or anxiety disorders. It is thought that the development of a disorder is influenced by what happens after the traumatic event. If a person has the agency to take action to protect themselves, and the opportunity to create meaning from the traumatic event (eg by spending time with people who make them feel safe, or speaking to a therapist) then PTSD is less likely to develop.
pug_grama2 t1_j9519mg wrote
Everyone is born with a personality, and some people are more prone to anxiety than others. I know I am a born worrier.
Probably naturally anxious people are more likely to get PTSD after traumatic experiences ,but I'm sure it could happen to anyone after bad enough experiences.
moredinosaurbutts t1_j951r0h wrote
Makes sense. In my anecdotal experience, at least.
At age 28 I was diagnosed with Asperger's, so as you can imagine I have a lot of built up anxiety and trauma. I can't recognise novel threats, understand why/how they're threats, or understand how to avoid/solve those threats. Early severe anxiety was rational and life saving, the problem was I had no one to put things into perspective. Usually just either dismissed, shamed me, or punished me. I also have black and white thinking and hyperfocus. It's a huge challenge to overcome lingering fear and overactive startle response, since there often is a legitimate basis for what others assume is irrational.
[deleted] t1_j9528h2 wrote
CanIPleaseGetTopped t1_j952zek wrote
like going to sleep before pissing levels of awful?
Entchenkrawatte t1_j953ok2 wrote
Have this and also have AD, but that doesnt mean much. Professional diagnosis would be needed but that also should be done only if she feels Like her anxiety is having a negative Impact on her Life.
Kinnaree t1_j95407r wrote
The Body Keeps The Score
jowicr t1_j955bcz wrote
“However, people with anxiety disorders tend to have a harder time learning to stop being afraid on a physiological level (when the threat is gone) compared to healthy individuals.”
So a certain level of apathy about stimuli that would result in fear is “healthy”? I wonder how high this bar must be right now. Most of us in the U.S. and elsewhere have loved through a pretty traumatic pandemic and rapid-fire violence in our communities.
If our response is “yeah, this is fine” and we don’t have the kinds of anxious responses that the researchers studied that means we’re healthy? Can someone help me out here. As long as I have less emotional response to the violence of my society I’m considered healthy? Is that right? Is my mental health just my capacity to deal with the reality of my experience with minimal interruption?
[deleted] t1_j956a8e wrote
Blekanly t1_j95cm90 wrote
Right? I get that science confirming stuff is important, but damn recently every other topic is a case of "yes, we know, we told you"
lindsayejoy t1_j95fqvf wrote
having generalized anxiety leaves me constantly feeling like i'm in flight-or-fight mode so this makes a lot of sense to me.
[deleted] t1_j95jagb wrote
[deleted] t1_j95jmv2 wrote
mandozombie t1_j95kdrk wrote
Oh really... 10 years on from the deployment and now you tell me.
TheTinRam t1_j95m19c wrote
As a teacher, some kids are so difficult to teach due to this. It could be something that happened at home or 3 periods ago, or something that they think will happen later in the day. Literally unable to learn
k0ty t1_j95n9o9 wrote
It is the capacity to detach from the problems of "society". You can't change society as you struggle to even change yourself.
You deal with problems that you have, not that others you dont even know have. That is healthy.
HerrAdventure t1_j95qjge wrote
My kindle credit just renewed for the month aaaaaand this book is downloaded. Been looking forward to it.
A woman I dated for a bit learned about me and named dropped this book. Rather excited to get after 'it', not so much the book if you know what I mean
yepthatsme410 t1_j95qvpa wrote
I feel like anyone with anxiety could have told you this without the study.
randa_panda t1_j95sjqq wrote
This is something my friends and family struggle to understand about me. I don’t feel better and accomplished after I face something that makes me anxious. The feeling lingers and it doesn’t feel good. I really do feel better mentally when I avoid situations that cause anxiety.
[deleted] t1_j95u9gf wrote
subdep t1_j95v1z8 wrote
It is. I’ll suggest it.
uberneoconcert t1_j95xfxz wrote
It wasn't until DSM V that PTSD was removed from an anxiety disorder, because it's not only that. Our lives suck: our brains were trained on cues in unpredictable homes/situations (most people who get PTSD from a Type I event were primed to get it from their chaotic social environment). So the brains develop or change differently and just go haywire and hopeless over what is usually benign stimuli once we are out of those situations.
Queasy-Bite-7514 t1_j95xny2 wrote
Ok but you are still negatively reinforcing your avoidance behaviors. If you want to be less fearful you need some degree of gradual exposure or desensitization. The relief of avoiding fear is very reinforcing.
[deleted] t1_j95y526 wrote
randa_panda t1_j95yo1c wrote
Eh I know how to handle my anxiety, decades of therapy and stuff. I am a fully functional adult living on my own and successful in my (kinda stressful ) career. I was just saying this is one part of my anxiety people in my life don’t get.
Tempts t1_j960ulu wrote
That book is not worth reading and the author is a terrible human being. There are better books about trauma and anxiety
Tempts t1_j9620fj wrote
Because avoidance isn’t “handling” anything. It makes your anxiety worse. That is science and it is proven. The exception is if something just isn’t or doesn’t need to be part of your life. I am not suited to being a skydiver or one of those squirrel suit people. But that’s never going to come up. My fear of glass elevators was coming up all the time. I had to work on that.
Source: I’m a psychotherapist that specializes in the treatment of anxiety and OCD.
ARM_over_x86 t1_j962oby wrote
May I ask, did your doctor proactively recommend therapy or some sort of psychological evaluation after the accident, or did you seek it on your own after continued anxiety symptoms?
randa_panda t1_j9636qn wrote
I not saying I avoid stuff that causes anxiety that i need to do, just that people in my life don’t understand that I still feel anxious and awful after completing a task. My mom always goes ‘you should feel accomplished and better now that it’s over’. No I don’t and she can’t wrap her head around it. What I mean by handling it Is I have a support system and focus on breathing and other techniques to get myself through the tough times. I still do things that make me anxious, just with certain ‘tools’ that people without anxiety wouldn’t need and it took me a few years to figure out what works for me.
[deleted] t1_j963dqw wrote
Hahka-01 t1_j963ioz wrote
And just like that, confirmation of what i suspected was wrong with me for years. But i'm betting that some slight/tiny PTSD is the root cause of both responses.
[deleted] t1_j9641f3 wrote
revnobody t1_j964n89 wrote
I sought out treatment on my own after a few years. It would be another 5 yrs before I was officially diagnosed with PTSD.
In hindsight I realize I should have been treated much sooner. The physiological trauma that comes not only from the accident itself, but from being unable to walk or perform basic tasks due to agonizing pain is quite severe. (Maybe It’s worth noting that I am able to walk and perform these tasks now. It was just a very long road to recovery. The only residual disability is chronic pain and PTSD)
I believe that seeing a therapist while in the burn unit or shortly after should be part of standard treatment.
[deleted] t1_j965agq wrote
0fficerCumDump t1_j966lr9 wrote
Do you have any recommendations? I am fascinated by neurology & biological responses to these things & I am also a recovering drug addict who has suffered a great deal of extremely traumatic events due to being married to an addict. I would love to get into it & have an Audible credit in the chamber.
i_wantcookies t1_j967deq wrote
How did you come to that conclusion?
[deleted] t1_j967pg0 wrote
ARM_over_x86 t1_j969aup wrote
Yeah so, it's supposed to be standard practice to be evaluated for trauma after accidents, there's an abudance of literature showing, for example, over 20% of road traffic accident survivors develop PTSD. I study osteopathic medicine and they really emphasize the importance of this, one case study was similar to yours so I asked out of curiosity, it seems doctors will often brush off the possibility if they don't immediately detect signs of trauma on the patient, or might even assume those signs to be temporary as a result of shock. Hope you can achieve a full recovery soon.
spiritbx t1_j96b5di wrote
If your doctor tells you that it will go away, you need a better doc...
Everything leaves a permanent mark on you, mental or physical, even if you don't notice it. It's how we managed to survive for so long, by adapting to new things constantly. The system is pretty crude, but evolution is crude and merciless, long term quality of life has never been it's primary 'objective', only making the species fit for survival. Mental stability isn't all important in the grand scheme of things, not when plenty of other things will easily kill you sooner and easier.
Tempts t1_j96b7zf wrote
Waking the Tiger by Peter Levine is a very good book.
LiamTheHuman t1_j96cjlr wrote
That's interesting I had read the opposite, well that the science behind the direct of the relationship was unclear, would you be able to point me to some research showing that there is no underlying difference in emotional processing before trauma between someone who ends up with PTSD and someone who doesn't?
[deleted] t1_j96dt3n wrote
LiamTheHuman t1_j96dv8i wrote
I've read more on it and people's ability to process strong emotions(like people with bpd) but I'm having trouble finding it right now. Here's an article I'll post more if I find it:
Because of the nature of the illness it is very difficult to prove the relationship one way or the other. Because of this I would say the science is not clear on the issue but there are good theories both ways.
[deleted] t1_j96hh14 wrote
[deleted] t1_j96i4hl wrote
5ol5hine t1_j96j98u wrote
To me it seems like you might have CPTSD. The C stands for complex, and has to do with how it is difficult to pinpoint the exact point where the situation became traumatic. It is used about situations that last longer than those that creates PTSD, and that for some reason seems impossible to get out of. A divorce proceeding and subsequent issues with kids sounds like it might check all the boxes, including how you seem to maybe have some sort of impostor syndrome regarding your trauma.
My own situation started making a lot more sense when I realized that I had CPTSD instead of PTSD. Maybe it will for you too.
Vegaprime t1_j96lbud wrote
It's made worse when the anxiety is sometimes correct.
ohfantasyfreeme t1_j96p7m8 wrote
May I suggest In The Realm of Hungry Ghosts and The Myth of Normal by Gabor Maté. Heck, why not add Scattered Minds too, also by Maté.
FartyPants69 t1_j96pfq1 wrote
+1, Maté is a legend
FartyPants69 t1_j96qjtb wrote
I'm guessing you're referring to his termination in 2017?
If so, worth mentioning that he accused the institution of making him the fall guy for their own failings, his colleagues unanimously resigned in support of him, and he won a defamation settlement against the institution.
(In the Career section, paragraph starting with "In 2017")
Tempts t1_j96rh4y wrote
I made passing reference to that. But I work in this field. It is not at all unusual to cross paths with people in professional and public spaces.
“When people show you who they are, believe them the first time” ~Maya Angelou
Believe it even more if they keep showing you who they are when the spot light is not on.
FartyPants69 t1_j96snr5 wrote
I still don't understand what you're trying to say. You're saying you've met him and he said or did something bad to you personally?
I don't have a dog in the fight, I know nothing about the guy, but when you call someone a "terrible human being" I guess I think it's a good idea to be able to clearly articulate why
[deleted] t1_j96tboz wrote
tiptoeintotown t1_j96tf5o wrote
That quote saved my life more than once and I tell it to everyone I meet who will listen.
Tempts t1_j96tkd9 wrote
That is just one part of a more robust post. And idk why you are focusing so much on that.
And this is vague because it has to be. There are professions that have many different rule sets they follow. Not everyone on Reddit is a 20 yr old boy. And not everyone on Reddit is without some level of reputation.
z0trub t1_j96tvxv wrote
Yeah. I get it now. Didnt understand it before. Now i actually get it.
avgustevitch t1_j96uphy wrote
Trauma responses to events like a bad divorce can be similar to those from more severe trauma. Be gentle with yourself and take it slow.
[deleted] t1_j96vewn wrote
LiamTheHuman t1_j96w1bh wrote
Ya probably that seems pretty in line with what I think too. Hopefully more studies are done to understand this issue better and how we can help people avoid it.
[deleted] t1_j96w6xw wrote
[deleted] t1_j971ocm wrote
Tempts t1_j9723xu wrote
Wow. That’s amazing. What are you hoping for? Something you can use to dox people?
You are out of your mind. And when you say “you have no skin in the game” you don’t know what that means.
Read the book. Write Bessel love letters. Start a subreddit for Bessel stans. Good lord.
ZerglingBBQ t1_j9743j7 wrote
I don't get it. Can you explain?
Blueberry_Clouds t1_j9757kb wrote
Book title or not, it’s true.
entony1111 t1_j97ac41 wrote
"Waking the Tiger" by Peter Levine is a great book about trauma and anxiety, especially for those interested in neurology and biology.
absoluteq t1_j97ewph wrote
According to research, trauma survivors are commonly diagnosed with anxiety disorders. However, not all people with anxiety have experienced past trauma.
Flamingrain231 t1_j97huvf wrote
Anxiety is one of the symptoms of trauma/PTSD.
an0maly33 t1_j97j60p wrote
You mention imposter syndrome - that’s actually something elseI developed. I work in IT and always had the attitude that I could handle anything that was thrown at me. These days I feel useless and out of my element.
AimlessZealot t1_j97ktai wrote
Research what whisper networks are and why they exist. Come back and tell us if you still think that last statement is a sensible and valid basis for all people to operate under.
twoisnumberone t1_j97n4a4 wrote
Worth repeating, yes.
There is the interesting Venn Diagram overlap of people with pre-existing anxiety disorders who then experience trauma that vastly exacerbates mental issues.
Can't say I like it in this overlap, but anyway here we are.
happydeadz t1_j97voat wrote
Trauma survivors are commonly diagnosed with anxiety disorders, but not all people with anxiety have experienced past trauma.
[deleted] t1_j97x8i4 wrote
[deleted] t1_j97xd2a wrote
[deleted] t1_j97xfv8 wrote
adongla99 t1_j97zjlo wrote
Studies have shown that up to 20% of accident survivors develop PTSD, so it's important to be evaluated for trauma after accidents.
colsquintz t1_j986wk1 wrote
PTSD is not just an anxiety disorder; it has a complex interplay with social situations and the environment. "The Body Keeps the Score" and "Waking the Tiger" are two recommended books for understanding trauma and anxiety.
AimlessZealot t1_j989n6g wrote
No, that's exactly what you're saying. They stated it was vague because "it had to be," implying repercussions if they were too identifiable. The nature and purpose of whisper networks (which operate exclusively through gossip) is to allow important information and warnings to spread without such dangers.
By insisting that only those who can make clear accusations ever speak of issues, you are also stating anyone who faces jeopardy should either accept additional risks or not bother trying to pass any information. The worst this person's statement could lead to is others watching critically for a reason why or investigating further. That's a good thing, I think.
[deleted] t1_j98ezwe wrote
feiyuec7 t1_j98r7t1 wrote
"The Body Keeps the Score" is a great book that delves into the effects of trauma on the body.
tinyei t1_j98raro wrote
Seeking therapy or psychological evaluation after traumatic experiences can help in managing PTSD and anxiety disorders.
gutnikov t1_j98w6tt wrote
"Waking the Tiger" by Peter Levine is recommended as it helps understand the effects of trauma and anxiety.
suleimank93 t1_j98z2pr wrote
Trauma survivors can develop PTSD, which can lead to anxiety disorders. It's important to seek treatment as soon as possible.
rplaisted t1_j990wpm wrote
Trauma from divorce and issues with kids can also lead to anxiety disorders, and it's important to seek treatment.
cyxobcyxob t1_j992twm wrote
Complex PTSD is a difficult condition to manage, but acceptance and coping strategies can help to lead a productive life.
kalong51192 t1_j996qxe wrote
The body holds on to traumatic events, which can lead to anxiety disorders.
v0vaz t1_j99frpr wrote
While "The Body Keeps the Score" is a great book, there are other options as well. "Waking the Tiger" by Peter Levine is recommended.
[deleted] t1_j99gji5 wrote
If you're functional and happy its ok to "avoid" optional things as its just another way to say "having a boundary".
5ol5hine t1_j99r1kl wrote
I only know that it is common among people that struggle with mental health to worry that their issues aren't serious or severe enough to deserve the status of the actual diagnose. It does seems likely to me that issues from one part of ones life can affect another. Did your current struggles at work start after the traumatizing divorce?
fhrftryddhhhhgrffg t1_j9c02x3 wrote
Need to know why with proof so valid treatments and preventative measures can be systematically implemented. Otherwise it's just people saying 'i told you so' with nothing else to offer. And everyone loves that... Particularly in the science subreddit.
AutoModerator t1_j9396r3 wrote
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