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yeathatshouldvework t1_j9hyeyh wrote

How do we naturally reduce inflammation?


IceColdTear t1_j9hzclr wrote

Maintain a normal weight and don't eat a western diet. Mediterranean diets/plant based diets seem to be the way to go. Also making sure you are not vitamin deficient. Vitamin D, for instance, is a very common deficiency and vitamin D acts as an anti-inflammatory.


ConsciousCr8or t1_j9jdfd3 wrote

Whole food diet and stay away from any and all heavily processed foods, period. And Maybe walk some… I’ve seen and felt personally that light exercise and healthy food can seemingly work like magic. For real.


Well_being1 t1_j9jrwo5 wrote

Omega 3 fatty acids, zinc, magnesium, curcumin, vitamin D, regular exercise