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Flying_Dutchman92 t1_jaiie0u wrote

Cannabis helps me sleep, and it helps me calm my mind. However, it does nothing to alleviate my tinnitus.


[deleted] t1_jaijdy5 wrote

Mine is much more prominent when I smoke up


Flying_Dutchman92 t1_jaijt6l wrote

Thankfully, mine isn't. It just stays on the same level, volume wise, though it might shift pitch compared to how baked I am.


Deejmiester t1_jaixgbt wrote

Different note in each ear. One significantly higher in pitch than the other. It reminds me of the noise an old tube powered tv would make just after switching it on.


Azraelalpha t1_jajz0ug wrote

This but at a deafening volume if I have no background sounds around me.


Cheeseisextra t1_jamc5kr wrote

Same here. I can’t even hear the tv anymore. I also can’t tell when the AC/heater fan in my house is blowing.


bigredgaboy t1_jalwos9 wrote

Exactly how I describe my tinnitus. If there is room noise it is not noticeable but in a quiet room, almost unbearable.


ElSahuno t1_jalxiwt wrote

Stays the same for me too but after a smoke I don't care so much.


LoaMemphisZoo t1_jam9mgq wrote

That's how it works for pain relief too I have found. I will sit there and be like "huh if I focus it still hurts but if I don't think about it..." you can kinda just tune it out


agentgambino t1_jam7ed6 wrote

Mine is as well. My mind tries to make sense of the noise and it makes me anxious also.


Cheeseisextra t1_jam7evj wrote

Mine gets so loud after smoking that it makes me want to step in front of a train. I go through this feeling every single night. I’m legally deaf too so maybe that has something to do with it. I probably wouldn’t hear the train coming anyway.


spudddly t1_jak0utu wrote

Hmmm maybe there's a correlation between weed smoking and regular concert goers


thesaga t1_jakzsnx wrote

There is almost certainly a correlation between cannabis smokers and people that regularly attend live music/play live music/listen to music at high volumes


LoaMemphisZoo t1_jam9rdb wrote

Have you seen the line at a dispensary these days? It's all types. Tinnitus is common in the trades too and


thesaga t1_jamo40x wrote

I’m not saying most cannabis smokers are musicians/music lovers, only that I’d be shocked if there wasn’t a higher percentage of stoners in the music scene than the general population - which would draw a line between cannabis consumption and tinnitus


trennels t1_jait9l4 wrote

It can help push it to the background, especially at bedtime.


darkmoose t1_jal7ggt wrote

İ find similar relief with 1 mg melatonin btw.


Cheeseisextra t1_jam7hh7 wrote

How do you smoke melatonin??


LoaMemphisZoo t1_jam9txr wrote

You have to boil it and then you free base it or do hot rails.

Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor


uberneoconcert t1_jamk8d6 wrote

Check your B12 consumption and other symptoms like extremeties buzzing or your tongue being slightly swollen/smoothish. Just in case: it could be that you've not been eating quite enough, or conversely, drinking too much alcohol.


halflifeconsequences t1_jakeoa6 wrote

Same. It might make me a little less bothered by the tinnitus, but I've never noticed that it makes a difference either way.


blackdragonstory t1_jalt2ai wrote

I haven't tried it nor do I know what it does physically but if it's just dulling your senses then that is not really something that helps with anything beyond being high.


Aporkalypse_Sow t1_jalxkd2 wrote

You don't actually hear tinnitus. Your senses being dulled have no effect on your ability to hear it. Your brain tells you that you are hearing things, without input from your ear.


blackdragonstory t1_jamj06l wrote

That's interesting. I do have it too but it got manageable after some time. If I am in dead silence the ringing is there.