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tyler1128 t1_jbv59u1 wrote

We're doing a lot more research in that sort of area than we have for the last 40 years, but MDMA has some potential issues for a daily regiment. Long term chronic usage of MDMA is associated with structural brain changes in both humans and animals. Whether this is the case in lower doses is not known, but it would need a good deal more study to ever get approval.

There's also the fact that most studies regarding drug harm for illicit drugs are done with people using street versions of the drug, so purity is pretty suspect, and other drugs cut in or uncleaned byproducts remaining could contribute to it as well.


CreedyBabyBoi t1_jbvkpwy wrote

Woah woah woah, at what point was daily administration of MDMA a real consideration? I am genuinely curious, because I only ever heard of MDMA as a short-term tool for use in a therapeutic setting. It seems to me that people who distort the argument for daily use of MDMA are only trying to undermine its actual therapeutic usage. Maybe I am wrong, but I have personally NEVER heard of a proposition for MDMA to be used as a daily medication. I have heard of it only to be used under a therapeutic setting, only after significant trust and connection has been made with a given patient. Again, not once have I heard that MDMA should be a daily used substance. Personally, I think that might be one of the major miscommunications which undermines the legitimacy of psychedelic therapy. I don't think any logical researcher would be considering MDMA, psilocybin, or LSD to be a daily regimen. I feel like I Can't emphasize that enough.


qu1x0t1cZ t1_jbwrm1s wrote

I’m fairly sure you can’t do MDMA daily because after a few days it blasts out your seratonin reserves. It then takes a few days for them to build back up again.


tyler1128 t1_jc26g5f wrote

Sorry, I read that comment asking [low dose] daily MDMA, not yearly. That's my bad.