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CreedyBabyBoi t1_jbvkpwy wrote

Woah woah woah, at what point was daily administration of MDMA a real consideration? I am genuinely curious, because I only ever heard of MDMA as a short-term tool for use in a therapeutic setting. It seems to me that people who distort the argument for daily use of MDMA are only trying to undermine its actual therapeutic usage. Maybe I am wrong, but I have personally NEVER heard of a proposition for MDMA to be used as a daily medication. I have heard of it only to be used under a therapeutic setting, only after significant trust and connection has been made with a given patient. Again, not once have I heard that MDMA should be a daily used substance. Personally, I think that might be one of the major miscommunications which undermines the legitimacy of psychedelic therapy. I don't think any logical researcher would be considering MDMA, psilocybin, or LSD to be a daily regimen. I feel like I Can't emphasize that enough.


qu1x0t1cZ t1_jbwrm1s wrote

I’m fairly sure you can’t do MDMA daily because after a few days it blasts out your seratonin reserves. It then takes a few days for them to build back up again.


tyler1128 t1_jc26g5f wrote

Sorry, I read that comment asking [low dose] daily MDMA, not yearly. That's my bad.