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Knute5 t1_jcjqtg3 wrote

What about the way the vaccine was administered? Aspiration supposedly prevents the rare vascular complications that can lead to myocarditis, among other issues.


butcher99 t1_jckpq89 wrote

Aspiration is routine. It is so routine, it is automatic. Not a matter of forgetting once it becomes that routine.


Mountainstreams t1_jclne9d wrote

Aspiration wasn't done very much in the mass vaccination centers in Ireland, that was because a lot of military etc were called up on short notice to help with the rollout.


weird_elf t1_jcmb57e wrote

It's not routine for most vaccinations any more (at least not in my part of Europe). It takes longer, is potentially uncomfortable for the patient, and doesn't make the "classical" vaccinations any safer. (e.g. MMR or polio boosters don't mess you up if they get into the blood stream.)

Once people figured out it was different for this one (thanks, spike protein) and the vascular complications seen in some covid infections could also happen post-vax if the spike got loose in the blood vessels, aspiration was recommended. This was some time last year, I believe.

I got the second booster just before christmas last year, at a vax center, and had to explicitly request aspiration. It's still not routine everywhere.


butcher99 t1_jd1lg91 wrote

You would not even notice. All they do is withdraw the plunger a cm or so and look for blood.


weird_elf t1_jd2xp1f wrote

I know how aspiration works. I also saw one doc at a "vax drive" kind of thing jabbing people so quickly they literally didn't even notice what was going on, and that definitely won't work if you try and aspirate.

I say "potentially uncomfortable" because that's what the expert in the video said. I guess it's mostly uncomfortable for people with a fear of needles.


jotarowinkey t1_jckdxit wrote

is the logic that aspiration assures that the injection goes into your muscle and doesn’t hit your blood stream right away so like the immune response goes crazy in your shoulder but mellows out before spreading?

anyways i cant see how this would be reliably recorded. if a person performing the vaccine forgets to aspirate, they likely don’t remember that they forgot. if they do remember then realistically they aren’t going to report their own mistake.

if they were to report themselves, aspiration is a test to see if blood is drawn. ive aspirated thousands of times and never drew blood into the syringe. it wouldn’t be the act of aspiration, but the mitigated extremely low likelihood of hitting a blood vessel if administering into the blood stream is related to myocarditis.


weird_elf t1_jcmbfv1 wrote

They don't forget, they're not trained to. With most "classical" vaccines it makes no difference. It's pretty well recorded. (There's been a podcast of one German expert on the topic, it's on youtube but it's in German obviously. He goes into detail on how myocarditis cases were seen more in patients that got the jab in a vax center, where mostly young recently-trained people worked, as opposed to resident GPs which tended to work the "old-school" way, with aspiration.)