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Eve-3 t1_jcqh80l wrote

It's almost like repeatedly whacking yourself in the head isn't good for you. Huh. Who'd have guessed.


IgnoreIfOffended t1_jcqi6j4 wrote

Next thing you know, they'll be saying that taking repeated punches to the head during boxing matches may have negative impacts on your health.


Eve-3 t1_jcqiloe wrote

Now you're just being ridiculous. You know when the punch gets to a dangerous level the brain shuts down to protect itself. That's why the boxer loses consciousness, so his brain isn't actually hurt. It's basic science.

Just in case someone thinks I'm that dumb..../s


Rainstorme t1_jcsl352 wrote

Most of the harm is actually caused by the repeated blows sustained, not the big ones that get the KO (most don't even end with anyone being knocked out but that's not really important).

For similar reasons, that's why it's actually linemen in American football that have higher rates of CTE when they aren't the ones getting the big hits leading to concussions.


Dealan79 t1_jcsopjp wrote

I have far more faith in your intelligence, random Internet stranger, than I do in ex-Congressmen from Missouri. I am curious as to what Akin actually died of though, since everyone knows that when it's legitimate cancer the body has a way of shutting that down.


NFT_goblin t1_jcs00j8 wrote

I mean, I would have never guessed that soccer players take that much head trauma. If soccer isn't safe then what is even left, golf?


Fit-Anything8352 t1_jcs5ogm wrote

Jogging, the OG sport that allowed humans to reach the top of the food chain. As long as you don't fall.


Eve-3 t1_jct38cc wrote

The form most people use for running/jogging is usually terrible for the knees. Much better than messing up your brain, but not ideal.

I'd guess watersports as the least problematic. I don't recall hearing anything bad about swimming. (Looking forward to the comments saying why I'm wrong so I can learn something new)


sweetbizil t1_jctajka wrote

Agreed, jogging is horrible on the joints and long distance low intensity especially. I do a lot of long distance running but I make sure I balance it out and keep my body strong to limit the joint damage. Sprinting does not suffer the same fate however and is very healthy in moderation.

As long as swimming isn’t done indoors I would agree. There is something really unsettling to me about swimming in an indoor pool that smells like a vat of radioactive liquid (to make it “safe” from other peoples’ bodily fluids).

In general, high intensity or low impact (elliptical, biking) training without brain trauma involved is going to be just fine long term imo.


D74248 t1_jct6ycm wrote

My knees would like to say a few words. Fortunately, they cannot talk.

Speaking of which, time for my Celecoxib.


tyler1128 t1_jcr4yu2 wrote

At least football is better than American football, where the name of the game is to be thrown to the ground and experience TBI. But hey, it's for the sport of it right?


mtcwby t1_jcsgk62 wrote

Girls high school soccer has more concussions than high school football.


Tehni t1_jcshggw wrote

High school hits are not as hard as college and pro hits

Somehow I think the sport that tries so hard to cover up it's tbi issue isn't accurately reporting or testing for concussions


Smacks860 t1_jct4ijp wrote

That’s literally ridiculous.


D74248 t1_jct7le4 wrote

You can find studies that go either way, but the underlying fact is that girl's high school soccer is clearly right up there with high school football. It is a vicious sport, I suspect because of ex-jock fathers pushing their daughters to be aggressive.

Source: Father whose daughter had 2 serious concussions playing high school soccer. I wish that I knew then what I know now. It is not a nice, safe sport.


Smacks860 t1_jct9vtl wrote

Not trying to be condescending here, but there is a ton of correlation bias going on on your part. I’m not saying soccer isn’t “rough” (I played it my whole life so I do have some anecdotal understanding), but to interpret whatever data you are seeing as - HS girls soccer is rougher/more concussions/etc. than HS football is a huge error (and honestly a good example of how wrongly people interpreted data on a day to day basis for many important topics). There are many variables in play here. For example, it is extremely likely that HS girls tend to report injuries (then leading to diagnoses) at a much higher rate than HS boys / football players. Also, a concussion-causing incident is much more obvious (to a coach / parent / viewer) in soccer than it is in football, again leading to more reporting/diagnoses. Further - why do you think HS girls soccer shows a higher concussion rate than boys HS soccer (I’m assuming that is true, based on whatever reports you are seeing and the fact that you specifically stated “girls HS soccer” vs just “HS soccer”)? It’s the same sport, same rules, although boys soccer is played at a much faster pace (if anything should correlate to higher concussions in boys HS soccer). The answer is because again - statistics don’t always tell the full story.


D74248 t1_jctdgad wrote

The reason boy's soccer reports less injuries is obvious to anyone who has had both boys and girls in high school sports. Football is the prime sport for boys, soccer is the prime sport for girls.

You can google scholar studies yourself. It is unfortunate that you feel so threatened by women.


uberneoconcert t1_jcunf9s wrote

Yes this should be very obvious. I was a D1 scholarship athlete and there was no way I was telling anyone when I got a concussion in high school after they made it clear what the risks were, including field removal.

I got a neurologist and am on multiple migraine medications in my late 30s.


SnooPuppers1978 t1_jcvucab wrote

> I was a D1 scholarship athlete and there was no way I was telling anyone when I got a concussion in high school after they made it clear what the risks were, including field removal.

For clarification, I don't know anything about US and American Football, you did not tell because it would have hindered your career or you made a typo here and you meant you would definitely because of the health risks?

When did your neuro issues first appear and how?


Eve-3 t1_jcr7z9d wrote

They're both idiotic if you ask me.


tyler1128 t1_jcr867n wrote

Same. I'm not a sportball person, and I just don't get it. People will criticize me for being very into other things, when it's normal to basically lose your mind with sports. People are weird.


ThePopKornMonger t1_jcteu7o wrote

Came here to say that, should get them to wear those Naruto head band numbers. We all know it would be considered cool too.


WillCode4Cats t1_jcvbdxx wrote

[mTBI = mild traumatic brain injury i.e., concussion]

Won’t make too much of a difference, I imagine.

You can receive a mTBI from a hit to the chest. No direct contact to the head is even required.

Think of the brain like an egg. You can scramble and egg in its shell if you shake it hard enough back and forth. No need to “hit” the shell at all.

Another similar example is why soldiers can receive concussions from explosions without hitting their heads.

mTBI’s can (mostly) be mitigated by neck stabilization, but that comes with it’s own issues and impracticalities — won’t work in most sports really.

However, the brain cannot be completely stabilized inside the skull. So, mTBI’s cannot be 100% avoided regardless of the equipment used.


ThePopKornMonger t1_jcvids2 wrote

Its kinda like how some people wear teeth guards or crotch cuts then right?

Edit: If anything it would create a better focal point for head butting the ball and could cause even more damage on second thought.


WillCode4Cats t1_jcwj0m3 wrote

What do you mean?

If you are curious, mouth guards protect teeth, but they haven’t been shown to reduce concussions.


ThePopKornMonger t1_jcwlnby wrote

Never said that, meant more of like people wear em to down the grade of injury dar bud.

I guess I wasn't being clear.

Are we okay now?