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t1_irvd1mn wrote

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t1_irvko2m wrote

I automatically get my voter pass including the nearest voting locations (generally a couple minutes by foot) that are open from early morning till evening.

No need to register, you pick your vote there and then. All you need is the pass and your ID



t1_irvnlc8 wrote

Registration Deadlnes:

. .

State Online Mail in In Person
Alabama 10/24/2022 10/24/2022 10/24/2022
Alaska 10/9/2022 10/9/2022 10/9/2022
Arizona 10/11/2022 10/11/2022 10/11/2022
Arkansas N/A 10/9/2022 10/9/2022
California 10/24/2022 10/24/2022 11/8/2022
Colorado 10/31/2022 10/31/2022 11/8/2022
Connecticut 11/1/2022 11/1/2022 11/8/2022
Delaware 11/8/2022 11/8/2022 11/8/2022
District of Columbia 10/18/2022 10/18/2022 11/8/2022
Florida 10/11/2022 10/11/2022 10/11/2022
Georgia 10/11/2022 10/11/2022 10/11/2022
Hawaii 11/8/2022 10/31/2022 11/8/2022
Idaho 10/14/2022 10/14/2022 11/8/2022
Illinois 10/23/2022 10/11/2022 11/8/2022
Indiana 10/11/2022 10/11/2022 10/11/2022
Iowa 10/24/2022 10/24/2022 11/8/2022
Kansas 10/18/2022 10/18/2022 10/18/2022
Kentucky 10/11/2022 10/11/2022 10/11/2022
Louisiana 10/19/2022 10/9/2022 10/9/2022
Maine N/A 10/18/2022 11/8/2022
Maryland 10/18/2022 10/18/2022 11/8/2022
Massachusetts 10/19/2022 10/19/2022 10/19/2022
Michigan 10/24/2022 10/24/2022 11/8/2022
Minnesota 10/18/2022 10/18/2022 11/8/2022
Mississippi N/A 10/10/2022 10/10/2022
Missouri 10/12/2022 10/12/2022 10/12/2022
Montana N/A 10/9/2022 11/7/2002
Nebraska 10/21/2022 10/21/2022 10/28/2022
Nevada 10/28/2022 10/11/2022 11/8/2022
New Hampshire N/A 11/8/2022
New Jersey 10/18/2022 10/18/2022 10/18/2022
New Mexico 10/11/2022 10/11/2022 11/8/2022
New York N/A 10/14/2022 10/14/2022
North Carolina 10/14/2022 10/14/2022 11/8/2022
North Dakota No Registration Needed No Registration Needed No Registration Needed
Ohio 10/11/2022 10/11/2022 10/11/2022
Oklahoma N/A 10/14/2022 10/14/2022
Oregon 10/18/2022 10/18/2022 10/18/2022
Pennsylvania 10/24/2022 10/24/2022 10/24/2022
Rhode Island 10/9/2022 10/9/2022 10/9/2022
South Carolina 10/9/2022 10/9/2022 10/9/2022
South Dakota N/A 10/24/2022 10/24/2022
Tennessee 10/9/2022 10/9/2022 10/9/2022
Texas N/A 10/11/2022 10/11/2022
Utah 10/28/2022 10/28/2022 11/8/2022
Vermont 11/4/2022 11/4/2022 11/8/2022
Virginia 10/17/2022 10/17/2022 10/17/2022
Washington 10/31/2022 10/31/2022 11/8/2022
West Virginia 10/18/2022 10/18/2022 10/18/2022
Wisconsin 10/19/2022 10/19/2022 11/8/2022
Wyoming N/A 10/25/2022 11/8/2022

^copy/paste ^this ^code: ^


t1_irw59s9 wrote

I mean, yeah, it is, because over here it's usually used to try and disenfranchise minority voters. Combine voter ID laws with, A: free state-issued IDs, and B: automatic voter registration, and then it would make sense. But usually the people pushing ID laws don't want those things, because what they want it to reduce the number of minority voters.


t1_irw6f3p wrote

Well, I listed two conditions, because barriers to participation come in both the forms of money and also time/knowledge. Voter ID laws consistently reduce voter participation, so you need to make voting easier to balance that out.

Also, it's worth pointing out that "free" IDs often aren't actually free -- you need to pay for things like birth certificates, you may need to take a day off work to go down to the social security office to get a social security card, etc.

And, further, a lot of ID laws are actually written in ways that are designed to specifically target minority communities (e.g., through the choice of what forms of ID to allow or disallow).


t1_irwba24 wrote

And that’s why Republicans are against it. Because they can only win by stealing elections. I know this comment will be removed but it’s the truth.


t1_irwgeqy wrote

I don't know of any state where an active voter has to re-register. The only time I've ever had to re-register is when I've moved.


t1_irwjq6v wrote

Registering to vote is literally only a paperwork hurdle to keep people from voting. I guarantee the government knows who you are and where you live when its time to collect taxes, why on earth do you have to stand in line at the DMV and wait for them to mail you a card with the information they already have???


t1_irwy3ey wrote

It’s funny you think needing an ID is considered no big deal. In the US a lot of our lefties hate that. Mostly because of what happens in rural areas where public transportation sucks more than usual and places to get ID’s get shutdown or moved by people who’s interests include gerrymandering and bigotry


t1_irx6tvs wrote

None of anything you have said actually impacts voter registration. Birth certificates and SSNs are confered at the earliest point of legalhood. Almost 18 yrs before anyone needs to vote.

Voter ID has no impact on turnouts and a majority of Americans 70%> support voter ID laws including minorities. White Democrats have the lowest support for IDs in the party.



t1_irxag42 wrote

I think you're misunderstanding. Birth certificates and social security cards (not numbers) are commonly required to get the "free" IDs proposed in these laws. Many people don't have paper social security cards or birth certificates on file at home and need to go and get copies in order to provide evidence of their identity when requesting an ID. That costs time and money.

Saying that "Voter ID has no impact on turnouts" is false. Your source for that is not actually a study of impact on turnout -- they claim to find that only a small amount of voting occurs without ID, and thus assume the impact *must* be small. But it's worth noting that "small" here still means 0.1 - 0.31% -- more than enough to swing a close election, and potentially disenfranchising many thousands of voters.

There have been many studies on this, with some finding a negative effect of several percent. You can browse through some of them here:

It's worth noting that the reason for enacting these laws is, in itself, the hope that it will favor Republicans. Voter fraud is vanishingly rare, and when it occurs, IDs are unlikely to prevent it. These laws are pushed by Republicans, and almost always in states where Republican control is threatened by large non-White populations. Exactly how effective it is is open for debate, but favoring Republicans is the point.


t1_irxk8j0 wrote

I don’t get a notice nor need to register. I hear on the news that there’s voting going on, so at the mall I whip out my ID, vote, then get some milk and eggs because the polling station is open 8h every day for two weeks, located right next to a supermarket. It’s that easy.


t1_irxtwrg wrote

I registered to vote when I was 18 and only need to change it when I moved. When the county changed my voting place they automatically mailed me a new card with the address of the new place. There is no need to “ re register “ . U register once or when you change addresses


t1_iry36py wrote

This is technically true but it is required to have ID for many things in the US. Personally I’m surprised any adult in the US can get by without a photo ID. It’s not something you need everyday but I just don’t get how you can go through life without one.

Edit: a word


t1_iry8fa4 wrote

Because they want the harder working & busier citizens to vote less often.

It’s literally the only logical explanation. It’s a political calculation done by all those in power. If it would benefit a party to make voting more accessible, they would change it when it power.


t1_iryc675 wrote

Yeah, but...3-million people die each year in the USA, and re-register makes it harder for dead people to vote...


t1_irynyse wrote

You would think the US, the centre of the global financial system, would have good banking systems right? But there are over 10 million adults without bank accounts in the US. So it seems there are quite a few people who live lives outside of what you consider normal.


t1_iryoct2 wrote

I’ve worked for a bank as a teller and I’ve seen the amount of people who just cash their employees checks. While it’s not how I’d live my life this little factoid is entirely unsurprising to me


t1_iryu1mq wrote

Virginia is very accommodating for citizens as lazy as I am. After I voted by mail for several elections during the Covid Days, they just sent me a form asking if I’d like a mail-in ballot for each future election. I jumped at it, and I receive my ballots like clockwork. It’s like shopping at Amazon - never even have to leave the house.


t1_iryxrr5 wrote

All americans are issued paper documents automatically at birth and ID in many states with voter laws count for anything including bank statements and utility bills.

Do not misrepresent the source. The 0.31% is the most extreme rendition of the people who have been shown to vote without IDs in states that require it.

Again, do not misrepresent your own links. You have deliberately ignored the studies also finding a positive result in turnout of the same several percentage points directly linked in the same paper. The consenus is a null effect.

Majority of voters back ID laws including democrats. Georgia was the most recent state in which the majority went to the polls and willingly voted for ID laws.


t1_irz10ej wrote

>All americans are issued paper documents automatically at birth and ID in many states with voter laws count for anything including bank statements and utility bills.

1: Yes, at birth. How many adults still have those things lying around? I know I've needed new copies before. This is an obvious financial barrier you're pretending doesn't exist because it suits you.

2: In many states, sure, but not all of them, you're just hand-waving things away based on what might happen in an ideal situation.

3: Regardless of any of this, there is absolutely no reason not to pair the ID requirement with automatic registration except malicious opposition to voting rights.


>Do not misrepresent the source. The 0.31% is the most extreme rendition of the people who have been shown to vote without IDs in states that require it.

That's... exactly what I said. I said that it found rates between 0.1% and 0.31%. Hence 0.31% being the highest. It was you that misrepresented the studies by claiming they found no impact!


t1_irz5khf wrote

It's all a moot point anyway because voter fraud practically doesn't exist and the only extremely rare cases they find are Repubs who have ID but choose to try to cheat.

No real problem = no need to make new laws


t1_irz7bn9 wrote

People who can't re-register aren't the ones you want voting in the first place.


t1_irz8oke wrote

The US is decades behind other countries for not having voter ID as standard.


t1_irzcrms wrote

Near totality of american adults have those documents. They are integral parts of being an adult, signing up for credit cards, tax payments, product purchases, renting, venue admissions etc.

That is not an ideal cooked up scenario, its the working law in majority of states. Majority of Americans use these methods on a daily basis.

Please dont read abstracts then come to your own conclusions. The studies including yours literally says so. The effect is null. Are you currently now arguing also against your own link? Or you will just keep picking and choosing paragraphs to ignore?


t1_is632mg wrote

And not having voting systems set up so that everyone can vote with ease. A lot of their systems are intentionally designed to reduce voting, mainly in poorer areas.