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skedeebs t1_irvhfpu wrote

It's really disappointing that climate change had to progress as far as it has before all off these great advancements in renewable energy, harvesting water from ambient humidity, etc have really started to take off. I wonder where we would be now if the urgency had truly been accepted a decade ago.


dman10345 t1_irwrs80 wrote

Yet you still have people like my step-father who is convinced global warming is a sham and that “renewable energy” and the advancements surrounding it are nothing more than a way to destroy the foundation of America, oil companies, and ultimately just charge the American people more money for “less efficient energy sources” and that the technology won’t exist for another couple hundred years before we can even begin thinking about moving part of the grid to this so called “clean energy.”


HelluvaKnight t1_irwvk9e wrote

If your personality and life morals is based on a corporation you know you went wrong in life.


LordOfDorkness42 t1_irwxejo wrote

I kinda get it, even if its dark and cynical for folks actually involved in fossil fuels and such... Like, no sense slaughtering the golden goose when its only eating people you don't like, right? That sort of crud.

But I genuinely cannot wrap my head around the people so... conservative, I guess, that the idea of there not being an oil industry somehow fills them with dread.

That's a weird thing to stake pride in.


pizdolizu t1_irx140c wrote

> harvesting water from ambient humidity

It is called a dehumidifier and uas been around as long the fridge and AC. All the kickstarter projects promising water from air are scam. It is cheaper and faster to truck water to the places that need it. Dry places won't produce any water from air. Humid places have water already amd dehumidifying it from air is expensive, your solar cell will get you a cup of water per day.


impy695 t1_irxghva wrote

> harvesting water from ambient humidity

Has there been any major advancements in this area? Everything I've seen has been dehumidifiers under a different name or were new tech with such a poor output that it's not worth it.