
pizdolizu t1_irx5pbl wrote

I thought I was commenting to another comment, but nonetheless generating and powering very low power devices was never an issue. Also, these low-power devices are not causing climate change and whatsoever. They are solving a problem that doesn't exist. A small, super-efficient wind generator might be useful in some rare cases, but it is not a game changer in any way, providing such little power.


pizdolizu t1_irx140c wrote

> harvesting water from ambient humidity

It is called a dehumidifier and uas been around as long the fridge and AC. All the kickstarter projects promising water from air are scam. It is cheaper and faster to truck water to the places that need it. Dry places won't produce any water from air. Humid places have water already amd dehumidifying it from air is expensive, your solar cell will get you a cup of water per day.