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Edsgnat t1_itlp7el wrote

I gained the ability to focus on things my brain couldn’t focus on. The first day I took them I cleaned my apartment with no problems. I almost cried. My hyper focus is untouched.


Ketosheep t1_itlq86b wrote

This is what I needed to hear, I think my job and professional success are dependent on my hyper focus to deal with emergencies, but my house… is a stressful mess. Could I ask what your meds are?


Edsgnat t1_itlqwo9 wrote

I started off at 27mg of concerta, which is a slow release Ritalin. I was given 5mg of Ritalin to take as needed in the afternoons if my focus was waning. When I was studying for the bar this summer I was upped to 36/10. It’s easy to build up a depends so it’s not something you want to take every day.


Sea-Mango t1_itn4myg wrote

Huh. Maybe I’ll have to give that one a try. I was on Ritalin from 11 - 20-ish, and then stopped. Which was… not a good idea, but 20 years of hindsight etc etc.


EmulatingHeaven t1_itni6qj wrote

We all respond differently to different meds, if you try ritalin/ritalin types and they don’t work then def give something else a go too. I started on addy (and it works wonderfully) but it isn’t recommended for breastfeeding so I tried ritalin for a while. Did nothing for me. Back to adderall I went, and just adjusted my breastfeeding schedule.


Sea-Mango t1_itnpd81 wrote

Adderall made me forget where my car keys where while I was driving with the keys in the ignition. At the time I was a teller, and my drawer didn't balance for a week. It was SO BAD XD


KnutschKeks t1_itno4k2 wrote

My hyperfocus is my problem. My employer had stern talks with me because I missed appointments, because I forget the time and never notice when people talk to me when I'm working


Lettuphant t1_itmp7ii wrote

I borrowed a pill as a study aid. Realised I was planning dinner for the first time in my life and started crying. Taking a pill made me realise I should get a diagnosis.


WillCode4Cats t1_itxnbrk wrote

Careful with that logic.

The pills work the same for everyone regardless of diagnosis. If they didn’t, the. Why did you take it in the first place?

It’d be like saying alcohol only makes people who are actually alcoholics drunk. Of course, with the right dosages it makes anyone drunk.


banditbat t1_itnvl5g wrote

This is how I felt the first day when I finally found meds that worked, but they have since stopped being effective over the past few months, even after stepping up the dose twice :(