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Ketosheep t1_itlq86b wrote

This is what I needed to hear, I think my job and professional success are dependent on my hyper focus to deal with emergencies, but my house… is a stressful mess. Could I ask what your meds are?


Edsgnat t1_itlqwo9 wrote

I started off at 27mg of concerta, which is a slow release Ritalin. I was given 5mg of Ritalin to take as needed in the afternoons if my focus was waning. When I was studying for the bar this summer I was upped to 36/10. It’s easy to build up a depends so it’s not something you want to take every day.


Sea-Mango t1_itn4myg wrote

Huh. Maybe I’ll have to give that one a try. I was on Ritalin from 11 - 20-ish, and then stopped. Which was… not a good idea, but 20 years of hindsight etc etc.


EmulatingHeaven t1_itni6qj wrote

We all respond differently to different meds, if you try ritalin/ritalin types and they don’t work then def give something else a go too. I started on addy (and it works wonderfully) but it isn’t recommended for breastfeeding so I tried ritalin for a while. Did nothing for me. Back to adderall I went, and just adjusted my breastfeeding schedule.


Sea-Mango t1_itnpd81 wrote

Adderall made me forget where my car keys where while I was driving with the keys in the ignition. At the time I was a teller, and my drawer didn't balance for a week. It was SO BAD XD


KnutschKeks t1_itno4k2 wrote

My hyperfocus is my problem. My employer had stern talks with me because I missed appointments, because I forget the time and never notice when people talk to me when I'm working