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noknownothing t1_is89ei2 wrote

Um, was a study really necessary?


phdoofus t1_is8pq2l wrote

If you're trying to convince say a legislator to do something and you only have your opinion and personal experience to back you up, what do you think esp if said person has a lot of doubts and resistance? How about getting people to support your efforts?


Current-Escaper t1_is8ligq wrote

I take it you’re a fellow lower class denizen, because yes. But not for you.
Yes, studies such as this are absolutely valid to the human experience, and are worth their time to document for the ignorant. The trouble is, those that it would enlighten most either won’t read it or outright deny it on personal experience biases.
I’ve been made to understand that a notable number in higher-classes indeed believe that those in lower classes are truly just not working hard enough and are afforded the same privileges they experience.

“I mean it’s one banana, Michael, what could it cost, 10 dollars?”

As quaint a line as it is, I think it may be pointedly apt to some who share the portrayed character’s class aspirations


[deleted] t1_is8o9uz wrote



Current-Escaper t1_is8pvgr wrote

Apologies. My first statement was flippantly presumptuous.
I do feel though, and I don’t necessarily mean you, there is still a notable number as I described to warrant such a study


burlapturtleneck t1_is9e3sq wrote

It is important to remember in the testing of whether the impact is there, it is also estimating the size of that effect which makes it valuable.

In addition, there are a lot of things that we would have said a similar thing to that were shown to be false upon doing the actual research. People are prone to all sorts of cognitive biases that make us think we know some things that aren’t true at all. A common thing discussed is “learning styles” (eg auditory, visual, tactile) which is spouted as fact by many and I would expect quite a number of people to not think it is even worth studying because it is so clearly true. Despite this, there is a large body of evidence showing that this is not a thing. It is important to have a healthy level of exploring of what we think we know to continue developing as individuals and a society


Spambot0 t1_isaa65b wrote

In general, the newspaper headline and the purpose of the study are not strongly correlated.

But it's also often useful to quantify things that are qualitatively obvious.


the1ine t1_isbrr4o wrote

Yes, given the large number of enterprises whose official policies are gender biased.