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sgjo1 t1_isa9y8y wrote

Did you try reading the study? “The theme of shelter and salvation tended to show people of color receiving assistance from volunteers and shelter staff. White people in shelters were shown expressing grief or emotional trauma but not receiving material aid. Such images reinforce narratives of welfare and arguments about who is entitled to assistance and who abuses such aid.”

Perhaps you’d like to assert certain types of people just go to the shelter to hang out and not receive aid.


Dry-Bird-2993 t1_isagtv6 wrote

Here's an interesting thought. When japan goes through disasters. The people most negatively effected/affected are japanese. Mexico? Mexicans. Africa? Africans. It's always very odd that in a majority white country. The people seen to need the most help most often whenever any disaster happens. Isn't white people. You can run down the list. Hurricanes, covid-19, housing crisis, drugs addiction, etc. You name it. Doesn't matter what it is. The people who appear to need the most help no matter what problem it a majority white country....aren't white people.


Why is it interesting? Well, because it means one of two things. Either america curb stomps people of color so much and so often that people of color always take the brunt of the damage anytime anything happens. Or. America is so biased that it wants to present people of color as having been curb stomped by america so much that it doesn't matter the disaster people of color are presented as taking the brunt of it. So either america has actually targeted people of color so much and for so long (even talking current events) that it's almost like the entire country hates us. Or the vast majority of white people in america get off from seeing people of color be painted as the most needy groups of people in america.


Meaning either way. Not only is it very bad. But it means racism is still a pillar of america.


Jonherenow t1_isaiqth wrote

So are the press depictions accurate or inaccurate? Is the press coverage biased or is the employment of responders biased or what? The path to solving a problem requires understanding the problem.


GPareyouwithmoi t1_isajit7 wrote

The authors are "not that exact of a target shooter" and they "just kinda spray it everywhere".

I believe that it's noble to pursue a just and equitable world. I don't think you can do that effectively without knowledge of what the actual injustices are.


smoovebb t1_isamvy8 wrote

Exactly, thank you. If we can't talk about what's actually happening, we can't possibly fix anything. This is one of the biggest problems with being overly woke, because people pretend the issues are things other than what they are.


columbusdoctor t1_isarmsd wrote

If it is true so be it. If it is not correct it


arcosapphire t1_isb54vz wrote

What is "woke" supposed to mean, other than being aware of what things actually are?

The fact that this became a derogatory phrase is pretty absurd and reflects the pressures that can be applied by people with no interest in acknowledging how things actually are.


TheSuburbanThug t1_isb6m0z wrote

Omg how many studies do we need to prove that racist whiten people are racist? This is a waste of money.


jeff_kinnebrew t1_isb73xj wrote

Corporate needs you to find the difference between this study and flat earth research.


...they're the same thing


Skeptix_907 t1_isbdcm8 wrote

Where? I didn't find that part at all.

What I saw in the study was a simple observation that the people helping tended to be white and male, while the people hurt tend to be people of color. Which likely means one of two things- 1) either journalists are subconsciously racist and support racial stereotypes, or 2) that first responders (who are mostly white and male) as well as good Samaritans were disproportionately white and male.

It's not unlikely that the latter is true. People of color more often live in distressed areas that are more susceptible to natural disasters, often because of lower property values. If they were more likely to be affected by Harvey, the disparate race coverage was simply reflecting reality.


Ok-disaster2022 t1_isbe76u wrote

Yeah and the white volunteers also are the ones with the disposable incomes to take time off work, drive their truck pulling their private boat a few hours to help people.

Americans are generally pretty charitable regardless of race. But having resources to donate cna really impact the effectiveness of the donations.

So it's a tale as old as America: black people are forced to live is less attractive areas whereas their benefactors are a small minority of the total population who say or do something to help in a crisis.


ShermanCresthill t1_isbknvd wrote

Well doesn't climate change have an unequal impact on poor and minorities, while most rescuers are higher socioeconomic status?


Professor_sadsack t1_isbo3t8 wrote

I remember during Katrina, the news showed white people looting to get supplies because stores were closed, but black people looting in a manic frenzy of lawlessness.


smoovebb t1_isboao9 wrote

Woke != reality at all. That's the problem. Woke tends in indicate virtue signaling at the cost of reality. Look at the media that is considered woke aka Netflix. One person of each gender/race in every show does not at all reflect reality.

Look at the cultural gender concept in the woke world that suggests men and women are no different. This is not reality and is in direct opposition to science. There are biological differences in the brain, much less the bodies.

The trickiest question of all: what if racism isn't the only cause of unequal outcomes in different racial groups? What if group x needs treatment beyond equality to have equal outcomes? If so, would that be desirable at the level of society and laws? These questions can not even be investigated, much less addressed, because the left is just as anti science as the right - woke being a huge example.


melleb t1_isbrz0x wrote

I love the idea that fictional content is fine except when characters are diverse. Dragons and elves? Fine. Black elf? Well now you’ve gone too far…


BebopRocksteady82 t1_isc072t wrote

if you see Social " Science " tag you can just assume it will be some garbage like this


iperus0351 t1_isc8t57 wrote

I remember that photo. The white people had food and perishables the black guy had a plasma TV. It’s important to think about social justice but sometimes the actions don’t support your values.

Be excellent to one another is a ongoing fight to be a good person.

If the demographic was flipped everyone would have forgotten that photo. It’s only controversial because it feeds the “look racism” button


MrWoodlawn t1_iscavmv wrote

Well I know a lot of white people with boats went there to help so maybe it’s not bias but in fact reality?


Technomancer5 t1_isccoug wrote

Dear white people, stop helping black people, you'll be labeled as racist. Let people help themselves.


InvisibleBlueRobot t1_iscdao4 wrote

Interesting. Brings up a few questions:

  1. This could be an issue with photography, image selection and editing (picking photos and of white helping minorities and not realizing the bias).

  2. Or it could show low representation of minorities working in emergency services within these area.

  3. Or it could show that areas with higher minority positions are most impacted and may have highest needs in these emergencies. If support is coming from outside community.

Or perhaps it's a mix of all do these scenarios. All of these situations are potential issues.

It would be great if photo selection was unbiased, it would be great to have good representation in the emergency service work force. It would be unfortunate if minority communities are at most risk of facing serious natural disaster, but I believe that is true....

I'm guessing all are at least partially true.

You could even have situations where people work for emergency response company located out of state. There are organizations that specialize in these services and they are usually located outside of a common natural disaster areas.

Their hiring practices may be representative "locally", but not representative of the communities they are most likely to serve.


Maldevinine t1_iscji8i wrote

Internal Consistency and the Suspension of Disbelief.

These are major issues within the fantasy writing sphere, because you're trying to get people to believe something that is inherently unbelievable. A large part of getting people to suspend disbelief over the fantastical things is ensuring that all the normal things behave in exactly the way that the responders to the artwork expect.

And people are not just randomly black. It's the result of evolutionary selection for specific traits over long periods of time. So if all the elves are black, well that's just black elves. If one elf is black, what's different about this one? Where's the rest of their family? What historical differences are there? If you don't at least acknowledge that (Like Shakespeare did in Othello) you've just put a crack in the suspension of disbelief.

That is of course putting aside the novel context, where JRR Tolkien explicitly described the elves as white. Not just a bit white, full on 'albino covered in white paint' white.


kohlmanne t1_iscksr4 wrote

I just know they are good irl…Danny Devito is polar opposite from his character on the show…also I thinks it’s the funniest show ever so maybe I like the darker humor haha


MellowGibson t1_isdd82l wrote

Maybe don't focus on their race then if you are so sensitive.


ckjm t1_ise5ur9 wrote

I work fire/EMS. During my recent paramedic schooling, three classes of roughly 120 total paramedics, only one was Black and another Native American. It was also largely male, and if I had to guess I'd say it was about 60-70% male. In my old service area the same was true. In my current service area the same is true. In the service area I'm looking at the same is true. In my state, there is not a large black population but there is a significant Native population, and my school catered to the country as a whole. White men certainly make up the majority of emergency personnel.


random_noise t1_isge5y2 wrote

Or, Is there really a problem in the first place?

A raw picture is a fact if it has not been photoshopped or staged, what people use and do with that fact that can create volumes of truth and lies due to personal biases and agendas and simple misinterpretation.

Trained and certified FEMA responders come from across the country to places where they don't match the race of the target demographics.

I know at least 30 people who responded to Harvey and came from San Francisco and Seattle to help. All were white.