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Hike_it_Out52 t1_isy95fo wrote

Hmm, very interesting. Please, obviously for other people who may see this post, explain it like you would to a Sixth grader. Use pictures as needed.


CletusDSpuckler t1_isyba6h wrote

Genes that may have helped you survive the bubonic plague centuries ago became more common in the genome because of that protective benefit. Today, those same genes may be partly responsible for a hyperactive immune system that causes auto-immune diseases like Chron's.


confuseray t1_isygnpw wrote

Genes that help survive black death were good back then. Times change. Same genes that help survive black death today now give you Crohns.


Welmarian t1_iszhyda wrote

Not sure people lived long enough back then to be familiar with autoimmune diseases that generally affect people near 50. Only a 50% chance of living to 50-55. Not the best odds. (Though autoimmune can span any duration of life, no doubt)


Village_Bear t1_it01coa wrote

Crohn's (and other autoimmune disease s) typically are onset between 20-30 years old. That being said, there are other factors in today's society that wouldn't have existed in the middle ages that are suspect triggers for autoimmune diseases. It also goes without saying that medical comprehension/diagnostics was not remotely what it is today.