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Domain3141 t1_ixxegix wrote

I really should stop smoking.


SoVeryKerry t1_ixxif1l wrote

My 6 yr old visits her grandparents on a regular basis, and she is exposed to third hand smoke. They smoke outside, but still it is on their clothes, furniture, kitchen surfaces and doorknobs. Our pediatrician says this is exacerbating my child’s asthma. It absolutely infuriates me.


Figgler t1_ixxj2z8 wrote

If you’re interested in a book to help, Easy Way To Stop Smoking by Allen Carr has helped a lot of people stop. He has a different book about alcohol that helped put drinking in a more healthy perspective for me also.


doubletree133 t1_ixyy0cu wrote

Respectfully, third hand smoke does sound a little far fetched. I mean, they go all the way outside and it's still an issue?

How could it be? It truly makes the illness worse it doesn't just trigger it due to association?

It's news to me.


gardener-of-weeden t1_ixz29ef wrote

It sounds harsh... but the easiest way to quit ( at least for me 12yrs ago) was to quit while sick. I was too sick to smoke for 3 days, by that time the withdrawal from nicotine was over and I just had to deal with the habit.


gardener-of-weeden t1_ixz3fb5 wrote

I wonder if they have done a study along with the toxic fumes all of our plastics are giving off? New car smell is actually toxic fumes.


BasementArtGremlin t1_ixz5qwl wrote

If I'm reading the information correctly Third Hand Smoke as a term refers to the chemical deposits landing on skin, hair, clothes, furniture, floors, walls etc after the smoke has dissipated. It is cumulative, long lasting, and can combine with other indoor chemicals to make even more potent carcinogens.

So that not only will all those surfaces trigger asthmatic symptoms it will continue to build and get worse over time.


boogerfact t1_ixzd2dm wrote

It's mostly particles. Many companies with clean manufacturing like pharma and semiconductor require their employees to change and shower if they've been in the presence of smokers, or even barbeque. It's easy to see on particle counters if people are complying.


GhostDawg01 t1_ixzridn wrote

Nothing works like Chantix for smoking cessation. If your insurance gives you a hard time about getting this drug just tell them that they'll be spending more on your care once you develop cancer than they'll spend on Chantix. I've been free of cigarettes for 15 months now after smoking for 29 years. I feel great!


uberneoconcert t1_iy0ber3 wrote

Little-known fact: the half-life of nicotine is only 12 hours so you can quit overnight and your chemical withdrawal will be over.

But if you're using it to manage ADHD or uncomfortable feelings then you'll still need something else. I knew someone at work a long time ago who would straight up go for walks throughout the day.


no8airbag t1_iy2jr7m wrote

true. pvc floors are rigid, so they mix in a substance so they can roll for transport, and then the opposite on the floor. this stuff gives emissions. a seller visiting our office boasten that their brand was much better than the competing products, their emissions were ”low” zzz