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BrothelWaffles t1_iw38tw1 wrote

I used to have a pretty good sense of smell, and now mine seems to just go from weaker to stronger randomly, and it's not nearly as good as it used to be. The weird part is, I never lost it completely when I had Covid, it was just "dulled" I guess you could say. Other than a little brain fog here and there, that's luckily the only symptom I have. And honestly, the brain fog could just be from the 15 years of heavy drinking I did. Went to rehab a little over a year and a half ago and finally got sober, but came home with Covid, go figure.


Daetra t1_iw399lh wrote

Same here, my sense of smell has just been dulled since covid. Like I don't always smell my BO like I use to, or if there was something rotting in the garbage, I'd need to be right over it to smell it.