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jffleisc t1_iwj18qj wrote

My town’s water supply comes out of the Hudson river. guess where the wastewater ends up.


gunplumber700 t1_iwj4ztc wrote

So put it into perspective.

How does a wwtp work? It does exactly what occurs naturally in nature, only faster. Wastewater plant effluent continues to break down after leaving the plant. It also gets diluted when entering receiving waters.

Part of a wwtp’s npdes permit is supposed to consider other downstream users.

Edit: would you rather drink just wwtp effluent or 99.9999% fresh water diluted with 0.00001% treated wastewater.


StretchArmstrong74 t1_iwj9xir wrote

Depends on how "fresh" that water is to begin with. I'd damn sure drink our effluent before I'd chug a glass of water out of the Hudson river.

I know for a fact the stream we feed into is cleaner downstream of our dump than it is upstream, which means drinking it after it was diluted would be worse than drinking it straight.


yacht_boy t1_iwjd09d wrote

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. And it appears you have a very little knowledge.


gunplumber700 t1_iwje4wh wrote

Oh yea? Since you’re so smart you have something constructive to add to the discussion right?

Please enlighten us with your wisdom…


yacht_boy t1_iwk6482 wrote

Well, I'm bound by legal provisions that curtail my ability to speak freely on social media. I could lose my job and be subject to fines, etc. So I can't just school you, much as I'd like to.

But I can say that I am a co-author on a shelf full of books and peer-reviewed journal articles about this exact topic. I know the intricate details of water reuse and resource recovery from wastewater very, very well.

Over the last 20 years of work in this field, I've gotten good at determining who knows what they are talking about and who doesn't. And you don't.

Please shut up, you are out of your depth.


intensiveduality t1_iwkc9cz wrote

Your comments have taught me nothing except that you have a bad attitude and zero professionalism.


ScientificSkepticism t1_iwlqdv9 wrote

You have the biggest Navy Seal energy.


yacht_boy t1_iwlx71l wrote

Just hate seeing people trashing a subject I have devoted my entire career to with misinformation and innuendo. Water reuse is safe, effective, and achievable.


ScientificSkepticism t1_iwly3nc wrote

Mate at some point if multiple people are reading your "serious post" and are waiting for the rest of the Navy Seal copypasta, you done went wrong.


yacht_boy t1_iwlzwsr wrote

Meh, what can I say. I am legitimately not allowed to give out any identifying details that would tie me to my employer on any social media channel, because then I would be considered to be representing that employer. I can only represent my employer by going through all the official channels, which involves public affairs people, managerial review, blah blah blah. I have to take an annual training on this exact topic. Nowhere near as exciting as a Navy Seal, but similar levels of bureaucracy.