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gunplumber700 t1_iwl32m1 wrote

So since you seem to think raw freshwater is so dirty go take some colliform and ecoli samples. Let me know how clean you think wastewater effluent is after that.


Manofalltrade t1_iwlp9x9 wrote

I’ve been around a bit more than you know. Disease and toxins are what they are and after you hit a certain threshold the concentration essentially doesn’t matter anymore. Water molecules are all the same (unless you are getting pedantic about radioisotopes). Once it’s clean, it doesn’t matter where it came from.


gunplumber700 t1_iwlu17e wrote

I don’t care how long you've been around.

If you think ANY amount of pathogens are acceptable in drinking water you have the science understanding of a 5 year old.

If you want to live in theory land water entering a wastewater treatment plant is 99% pure.

Drinking water regulations are different than wastewater for a reason…


Manofalltrade t1_iwmvpzz wrote

Not how long I’ve been around, it’s what I’ve been around. Clearly you are suffering from thinking you know more than you do. I’m haven’t bothered typing out the nuance of all this as it is truly beside the point. I’m also not going to spend anymore time trying to improve your understanding because your attempts at condescension demonstrate that it would be a waste of effort. Good day.


gunplumber700 t1_iwn7oq2 wrote

Yea, because your last comment wasn’t condescending at all…

Your literally being a know it all that has to get the last word in or you wouldn’t have commented that you’re done.

Your comment toward “improving your understanding” proves that you’re just being a know it all without actually providing anything of substance.

If you have something of substance then you would have posted it…

Man of all trades, master of none.

Since you’re in need of knowledge that you clearly don’t have I’d like to direct you toward these few specific courses.

Geology 101, hydrology 101, and limnology 301.