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t1_ix2yepc wrote

Can someone translate this to layman’s for me please?

I do intermittent and extended fasts all the time. Im also around various foods all day everyday so this seems like something that effects me


t1_ix39do7 wrote

It seems they were testing to see if the smell of food could trigger an uptick in metabolism during fasting, since the idea is that it makes your brain believe that it's about to be fed. Sounds like there was an increase in the break down of fatty deposits in lab rats in this study.


t1_ix3r3vn wrote

Thank you. That’s what I thought but wanted to make sure.

In my own experience, I’d say that it does work as they say it does. I feel the fat “melts off” more when I’m fasting around food at work VS fasting at home away from food. My mouth taste is different fasting around food VS not (I believe that’s because I’m releasing more “burned fat” during those times. Very anecdotal obviously.

Something else though. I’ve read that smelling foods can cause a spike in insulin, especially when fasting. Can both things be true?