
t1_iycd2dv wrote

It’s worth more than that IMO. They could easily bring in over $200 a user per year between advertising and subscriptions.

You could hop on Grindr and get your dick sucked in 10 mins. Dudes love that! And the acts are typically between 2 dudes!! I’m bullish as fuck on the stock


t1_iy7fplf wrote

I understand this thesis. I want to believe in the play but I don’t. He just bought twitter. No way he buys blackberry. I understand that he doesn’t need to buy it, just say he will. But I don’t think he will say that he will.

If he hadn’t recently got into Twitter, I’d go in on this. At least for fun


t1_ixu32t9 wrote

As individuals, it goes both ways. As monoliths, women outspend men by a long shot.

I used to be in marketing and we had all types of data to support this. Women shop so much more than men that they often shop for the men in their lives more than the men shop for themselves. We would actually market products for men towards the women in their lives because we’d know they’d buy it for them.

The scientific theory as to why this is: Men were hunters. Women were gatherers. Hunters are K selected and gatherers are R selected. K selected animals have a finite food source so they ration. R selected animals don’t ration because their food source is more abundant and easier to obtain

EDIT: Some shorty grammar and to expand on the science part because I was being lazy earlier.


t1_ix3r3vn wrote

Thank you. That’s what I thought but wanted to make sure.

In my own experience, I’d say that it does work as they say it does. I feel the fat “melts off” more when I’m fasting around food at work VS fasting at home away from food. My mouth taste is different fasting around food VS not (I believe that’s because I’m releasing more “burned fat” during those times. Very anecdotal obviously.

Something else though. I’ve read that smelling foods can cause a spike in insulin, especially when fasting. Can both things be true?