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T6000 t1_j2cjjww wrote

No, I'm not missing the point. Intermittent fasting is just another fad diet that people hope will put them in a caloric deficit. I'd rather eat when I feel like it and still lose weight if I chose to by eating low calorie dense food. Most people won't find sustainability in intermittent fasting or keto.


chadwicke619 t1_j2cphzt wrote

Well, no point debating the fact. You deleted the comment that we are discussing in the first place.


amoose-boosh t1_j2fezzj wrote

Do what works for you, what works for some doesn’t work for all. But IF is no more of a fad than the three meal a day diet which most of us follow. For most of human history meals came sporadically - it’s relatively easy to stick to because our physiology evolved to handle it. I’ve personally done IF (OMAD) and stuck with it for over a year.