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Professional-Cow-949 t1_j1gki6b wrote

Two different things. Testosterone leads to narcicism leads to increased selfishness along a continuum. However testosterone also increases risk taking. Since giving away stuff and offering to pay is high risk, it happens more often in situations where men have increased testosterone due to the presense of the opposite sex.


scrollbreak t1_j1h5uj7 wrote

It's transactional, it's not giving anything away - it has the appearance of giving things away, much like a worm on a hook has the appearance of an easy to eat meal to a fish


Professional-Cow-949 t1_j1ipsps wrote

in general, higher testosterone in response to the opposite sex means men take higher risks, like doing risky tricks and stunts to impress. Think, a bunch of guys in a skate park in front of a group of girls.

I understand your point, however, my point is that there is a selflessness in the above example. Along the same vein, a man will offer to pay just to show off.

Both paying and stunts are in response to how testosterone promotes risk taking.


scrollbreak t1_j1jxbnp wrote

Transactions, like trying to buy good shares that pay off in value and/or dividends, are risk taking as well. I really don't see evidence there of testosterone definitely leading to selflessness.