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jawshoeaw t1_j057p2d wrote

Well think of it this way: unless our brains are recording the audio exactly the same way a computer does , there has to be a way to time-stamp the information. Otherwise it would be just a jumble of incoherent sounds. Take what I’m writing for example: you are reading from left to right. So all is good. Now imagine if every word I typed was written on a separate scrap of paper and put into a bag. You put your hand in the bag and pull out words randomly. Total nonsense. But if I put a number on each one you could reconstruct the meaning.


LuckFree5633 t1_j06q6yx wrote

You’ve just described my severe adhd brain on and off Adderall. I’ve always described it to people as imagine all my thoughts are spinning all jumbled up in a ball and I have to pick them out as they fly by and hope they make sense. When I take Adderall it’s as if all my thoughts are in a line and I can think and see them all so clearly.