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Chetkica t1_j09nf9f wrote

I also have fodmap intolerance (and a whole host of mental stuff, both trauma and ASD/OCD/Tourettes neurotype repated) and it has helped me too. Though its not a long term solution ideally keep in mind, it can cause you to not get enough nutrients.

probiotics are a mixed bag, you are pretty much playing russian roulette.

Fecal transplants help w such primary cases of depression, EDs and so on.


Capitol__Shill t1_j09nubw wrote

Honestly what helped me the most has been being on antibiotics. Soon as they ran out though, my stomach issues came back. I thought I had cured all of that while I was on them. So I'm continuing the low fodmap and experimenting with probiotics. Your right though it's literally Russian roulette. I started one today and it had me cramping up all day. I think I'm going to try and get into fermenting foods and making my own yogurt.


Chetkica t1_j09og65 wrote

fermented stuff is good, if low fodmap yes.

These probiotics have a higher success rate than synthetic ones. I had ideas of fermenting fruit soy yogurt (its good!) on my own, but dropped it because in europe soy milk is high fodmap so and they dont sell small tetra-pak of soy milk, only 1 L sadly.