paceminterris t1_j0fs2l4 wrote
Reply to comment by CatOfGrey in New York City health inspectors issued a disproportionate number of citations to restaurants serving Asian cuisine in the early months of 2020, finds a new study by a team of researchers by thebelsnickle1991
How come, when it comes to light that Asian restaurants are being disproportionately handed bad health inspections - everyone always jumps on blaming Asians or assuming that the inspections are objective - but when it is brought up that black people are disproportionately arrested, the whole world jumps to the conclusion that it is ONLY because police are racist and that is is ABSOLUTELY UNTRUE that black people might, in fact, commit more crimes?
Typical Reddit racism. Americans recognize the mistreatment of non-Asian (black, hispanic, TQIA++) minorities, yet gaslight Asians for the racism they face and refuse to acknowledge that Asians are the last minority all Americans can discriminate against and still be accepted.
luciensadi t1_j0gr0is wrote
I don’t think I’ve seen the term TQIA++ before, what does it stand for in your context here?
Lutra_Lovegood t1_j0hgich wrote
I'm guessing Trans Queer Intersex Aro/Ace
[deleted] t1_j0hzxhs wrote
TheSinningRobot t1_j0guluw wrote
What an unbalanced argument.
One of those statements is simply saying that one culture has some differences in how they prepare food. The other statement is saying, this group of people is more likely to commit crimes because of the color of their skin. If you believe those two statements are the same type of discrimination, you're delusional.
Not to mention the fact, that the difference being pointed out here is about Chinese people coming here from a completely different culture, versus the culture of a group of people who have been here since the birth of the nation.
CatOfGrey t1_j0i376o wrote
>How come, when it comes to light that Asian restaurants are being disproportionately handed bad health inspections - everyone always jumps on blaming Asians or assuming that the inspections are objective
If you look at my comment, I've answered your question. More specifically, I've asked a question of someone with expertise.
My hypothesis: it's not a race issue, it's an issue of recent immigration. Restaurant owners that recently immigrated may be less informed of specific health codes, and practice as they have learned. So when different populations have different immigration histories, it's not a race issue, but something else!
That said, you'll notice that the intent of my question is actually to solve this issue, not put restaurant owners out of business.
minuialear t1_j0hrjbh wrote
Ignoring how patently absurd most of your comment is, I don't think people are trying to "blame" Asians. I see people wondering if specific circumstances they've observed with Asian restaurants in their area (circumstances which aren't even objectively negative) are causing the disproportionate citations. Wondering if Asian immigrants may be disproportionately targeted because their traditional cooking methods may not comport with NY rules is hardly blaming Asians or arguing that the rules are fair. Nor is pointing out that other restaurants with more wealth have the means to skirt around the same regulations. It's simply identifying a potential reason for the disproportionate treatment that deserves further attention.
If this IS the reason why Asian restaurants get cited the most, for example, then it seems like maybe NYC needs to reconsider how it evaluates cooking practices or needs to evaluate restaurants in a way that would catch the Michelin star restaurant who cures its meat next door, in addition to the mom and pop restaurant that doesn't have the means to hide their meats.
Blaming Asians would be saying things like "Well yeah immigrants don't clean their restaurants so this tracks"/"Yeah I'm not familiar with these completely benign practices and therefore agree they're gross and should be banned"/equally racist statements
[deleted] t1_j0fwd74 wrote
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